Subject: GREAT single-leg squat exercise for INSANE leg and core power

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

There is always a huge debate in sports, athletic and
bodybuilding training about the benefits of single leg training
as opposed to double leg training...for example, should you do
regular barbell squats or are lunges better because you train the
legs separately?

Do single-leg exercises have greater carryover to sports and
athletics or is an athlete better off using an exercises like
squats that you can load more heavily in order to build overall
strength then use athletic practice to develop specific strength?

I'm not going to get into that whole debate approach is
to actually do BOTH. They each have their benefits and their
place in training.

THIS exercise, however, gives you the advantage of serious
loading on the target muscles AND doing it one leg at a time to
develop that functional strength we're looking for. It's also a
great core strength workout as the tension is going to be going
primarily through one side of your body.

Check it out here:


P.S. Yep, I AM using 675 lbs in the demo of this one-leg
exercise and yes I AM crazy... ;)

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