Subject: GREAT piece of equipment for increasing your bench press...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a training equipment review here for you today of a really
nice piece of equipment I've been testing out for increasing
bench press numbers.

It's called "RepBoards" and it basically allows you to do board
pressing without a spotter. Board press, if you're not familiar
with it, is basically partial-rep training using boards held on
your chest to reduce range of motion.

I've got a full description of why those are so good for
improving bench press on the review page, along with (of course)
the full review.

I've also posted a video of me explaining how they work, how to
use them and a demo of me actually using them with 315 on the bar.

Check it all out here:


If you want to increase your bench, this is something you'll want
to have a look at.


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