Subject: GREAT "not-weird" tricep exercise for you to try...

Yep, the craziest thing about this one is that it's actually NOT an insane exercise that will get you kicked out of your gym!

Believe me, it works GREAT, though.

To grow the triceps, you need to hit them with compound movements such as dips and close-grip bench press. Triceps can be and should be worked HEAVY.

I find the decline close-grip bench press to be the best can use more weight and I find it puts a lot less pressure on the shoulders.

Now, I usually do the barbell version of the exercise, especially when going heavy. However, using dumbells gives you some options that you can't get with the barbell version.

The dumbells allow you to use a neutral grip, which better hits the "horseshoe" development of the triceps. They also allow you to come down further than the barbell because there's no bar to hit your chest.

To do this one, all you'll need are a couple of moderate-weight dumbbells and a decline bench. I recommend moderate weight with this one if you're getting them into position on your own. If you have a partner to hand them to you (or if you're strong enough to do it safely), you can go heavier.

Here's how I do it when training solo.

Set the dumbbells on either side of the bench, then get set up in the bench. Reach down and grab one dumbbell.

Then reach down and grab the other.

Set them on your thighs.

Lie back and get the dumbbells into position, with a neutral grip. No need to bring the dumbbells together at the top. I like to keep them in line with the shoulders.

Lower the dumbbells down beside your chest. You'll notice that this is already a greater range than what's possible with a barbell press and it's the reason we're using moderate weight.

Pause at the bottom for a few seconds to develop a stretch in the triceps.

Now, pushing with the HEELS of your hands, press back up to the top.

It's important to push with the heels of the hands to best activate the triceps.

Once you're done, on the last rep, finish at the top then bring the dumbbells back to your thighs. Sit up then lean down one side at a time and set the dumbbells on the floor.

I recommend that you don't drop them out of the bottom of the press for two reasons. First, it's VERY annoying and you can damage the equipment. Second, you can easily overstretch your shoulder joints by doing it.

So that's the exercise. When done with a moderate weight and tight form, you'll develop GREAT muscle-building tension in the triceps.


If you're interested in more arm-blasting exercises like this, I highly recommend you check out my book "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

It's packed with exercises that helped me get arms like THIS...

(and don't worry, won't get arms like THAT ;)...these exercises are great for you, too!)


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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