Subject: GREAT info...bodyweight training to "redesign" your body - FREE 6 day plan

Let me just start by saying, right up front, I'm a HUGE fan of bodyweight training. It's extremely effective for building muscle (when done right) and for fat-loss, making it an ideal tool for really "redesigning" your body FAST.

And when I say "redesigning" your body...I don't mean just losing weight. When your goal is to "lose weight", generally you just end up with a smaller version of the same flabby body. Not what we're looking for.

Body “redesign” is to lose fat while you simultaneously gain or tone muscle in exactly the right places. With this strategic reshaping process, people will NOTICE how much better you look and it's going to happen over the course of WEEKS, not months.

So my friends Adam & Ryan...aka The Bodyweight Coaches...have put together a plan to accomplish this without ANY equipment...meaning this is a program you can do AT HOME or even outside in the beautiful summer weather.

They’ve created a 6 day plan that’ll get you started and they're giving it to you free...and I really think you should get it.

FREE body “redesign” plan (brand new) --- Click Here

This is some of their best workout, diet and lifestyle secrets, complete with follow-along workout VIDEOS.

This is really good stuff...when it comes to bodyweight training, these are the guys I talk to and I always learn some cool stuff when I do :)

FREE body “redesign” plan - click here to grab it now



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