Subject: Free “Ageless Warrior” Summit + 7-day Workout Plan [final warning]

The Ageless Warrior Summit starts soon and you don’t want to miss this.

It runs this week, June 25th - June 27th, 2024 

This is virtual, so you can attend from anywhere.

I've joined 13 other top experts sharing their secrets on workouts, nutrition, hormone optimization, mindset and motivation – all for the Ageless Warrior.

Honestly, I LOVE this concept for a summit, because I'm living this right now. I turned 50 last year and I'm not slowing down at all.

Right now, I'm training to complete the Inman Mile... yoke carrying 1.5 times your bodyweight for 1 mile straight (not stopping or setting down the load).

Nobody has ever completed it before.

I'm going to do a modified version, using a safety bar instead of a straight bar (since my shoulders and wrists would be the weak link and would give out first).

At age 50, I don't accept that I can't do it so I'm training to make it happen.

YOU can learn how to take yourself to the next level at ANY age, too.


Here’s what you’ll get during the Ageless Warrior Summit:

  • Exclusive Workouts: New routines to take you to the next level.

  • Nutrition Insights: How to fuel your body.

  • Hormone Optimization: How to stay vital as you age.

  • Mindset & Motivation: How to be mentally tough and motivated.

With your free ticket you’ll also get 7 days of Ageless Warrior Workouts. These are just a taste of what our experts bring to the table.


How to Register:

  1. Click the link below to get your free ticket.

  2. Get ready to change your life!

-->> Get Your Free Ticket + 7 Days of Ageless Warrior Workouts

The summit starts the day after tomorrow. Register now and join us!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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