Subject: For the ladies...1 unique trick for defined arms

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!

This is a cool technique from a trainer I know by the name
of Melissa Wall.

She whas a unique trick that her female clients are using to get
tight and defined arms that she calls it H.A.M.T (Hormonal
Arm Manipulation Tactics)

Melissa has her clients eat a certain amount of carbohydrates and
"good" fats 30 minutes before their workouts. This ramps up
several fat burning hormones that don't typically turn on with
some of the more popular methods.

When done in a specific method (and this is backed up by
research), healthy fats like olive oil, flax oil and fish oil,
can be very helpful for changing your physique...certain fats
actually lead to more fat loss during your workout.

Then she uses lactic acid flushing sets and reps to really
optimize her clients hormones (and I know from experience that
Lactic Acid-focused training works extremely well...I use it in
my own fat-loss programs).

Best of all, it doesn't matter what age you are or how many times
that you've tried to get rid of your "bat wing" triceps. Melissa
has made this work for her clients time and time again (and in
herself - you'll see the before and after pics!)

She's also offering a 30% discount on her entire Women's Arm
Training Secrets program until Friday.

Click here to check it out



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