Subject: [For Ladies Only]...How to get a "Bikini Body" by summer...

Here's the thing...

Women CAN use the same exercises and programs as men. Absolutely.

However, it's not always the case that they SHOULD.

For me, I don't look at this as an issue of gender...I look at it as an issue of specific goals and physiology.

Because I don't honestly know too many men who want to look good in a bikini... ;) and I don't know too many women who want to look "jacked" at the beach.

As well, women DO have some basic differences in physiology that are important to consider when it comes to putting together a program, such as bone structure, connective tissue strength, hormonal makeup, etc.

And I'll be straight up honest with you...I'm not an expert in training specifically for women. I know a lot, but I always like to defer to trainers who ARE experts in a subject.

One of those is my friend and colleague, Jen Ferruggia.

She's put together an excellent comprehensive program called "Bikini Body" that is COMPLETELY targeted to that goal of getting into a bikini. She's an expert in the field...and she PRACTICES exactly what she preaches.

Even is her (and her husband Jason's) anniversary and she's put the program on sale for 40% off...just use the coupon code JenAndJay on the checkout page to get the discount.

This is seriously cheap for the quality of this program...and this discount will be gone on Friday at midnight.

In this program, you'll get everything you need to know to get the Bikini Body you want in just 60 days!

(Remember to use the coupon code JenAndJay on the checkout page)


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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