Subject: "Follow-along" fat-loss workout videos (and you're done in 20 minutes)...

If time (or lack of it) is an issue for you with training, you're
going to want to read this email.

So a few months back, I met a woman by the name of Shawna
Kaminski...50 years old, mother of 2...CRANKING out chin-ups
at the gym we were both training at (we were both in town for
a fitness conference).

This is a picture of her below...(yeah, she's FIFTY).

Shawna Kaminksi

She was training extremely hard (way harder than most of the
guys in the gym at the time) and was doing some really cool
stuff I hadn't seen before.

And then she was done...

WAY before anybody else in the group we were with.

And not only was she done with her training extremely fast,
she was ridiculously LEAN as well.

We got to chatting after I finally got done with my workout
(hey, the gym had big tires and took me
awhile :) and we talked about some of the stuff she was doing
in her training.

She was using a method she called M2A (Muscle Metabolism
Acceleration) that incorporates anaerobic training and strength
training in the specialized combinations needed to promote
extreme fat loss.

Basically, the idea is to force incomplete workout recovery
to boost lactic acid and GH production. Pair this with strength
training moves and you'll boost your fat burning hormones
and reduce your fat-storing hormones - big time.

This is right along the lines of what I know works...I use
Lactic Acid Training variations all the time in my workouts.
Her methods were a bit different than mine, which had
gotten me curious.

Now, here's the cool part...

Shawna has just released a follow-along video program where
she takes you through SIXTEEN of these 20-minute fat-burning

They're tough...very tough. And if you like a challenge, you're
going to LOVE these workouts. She's no pushover.

Her program is called Challenge Fat Loss and, if you're interested,
you can pick it up right now for half the price it's normally going
to go for.

Check it out here...these are time-efficient, VERY effective
fat-loss workouts...perfect if you're willing to work and get
rewarded for your effort!

(these work for men AND women, just fyi...any age, too).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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