Subject: Flush your probiotic straight down the toilet...

Because unless yours has THESE ingredients, you're literally flushing your money down the toilet along with your probiotics.

1. A Prebiotic...

This is generally form of fiber that gives the "good bugs" something to feed on so they can actually stick around and grow and not just die off right away. Without this, your protbiotic might get in, but it's going to be on it's way out soon after.

2. A way to get past the stomach...

This is a separate ingredient to help speed the probiotics through the harsh acid environment of the stomach so that they actually GET to the gut. An example of this is marine polysaccharide complex that can "escort" the probiotics through the stomach.

Without a way to get through the stomach, the probiotics will mostly destroyed and all those "billions" of active cells won't even get far enough in to do you any good at all.


So does your current probiotic contain these ingredients?

Or are you currently taking a probiotic?

If the answer is no to either of those questions, I've got what you need...

Right now, you can get an "almost free" bottle of one of the best probiotics I've used, that contains not only an excellent spectrum of probiotic strains but also both of those ingredients I mentioned above that will help you get full benefit from them.

You can get your bottle here...just cover a small shipping fee and you get a FULL 30-day bottle that normally sells for $39.95.

I've been testing this one for the past few weeks and I really like it.

Overall, I'm a big fan of probiotics. It's hard to get enough of them in a regular diet unless you really know what you're doing and eat a lot of fermented food.

And some very beneficial probiotic strains aren't even going to be found in the foods you're eating.

Bottom line, this stuff is absolutely worth a try, and for a small shipping fee, you'll get a FULL 30-day supply to try out shipped right to your door.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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