Subject: Fix your ugly pulldowns...2 second setup tip...

Yep, I'm talking about those ugly pulldowns where you start vertically then use your bodyweight to heave the weight up.

I used to do pulldowns like that (30+ years ago)...trying to throw the whole weight stack around for as many reps as I could get. Lucky I didn't destroy my shoulders doing that!

Ugly pulldowns don't build your lats, though.

Now, you don't have to have perfect form but having the lats do the actual work helps a LOT.

This 2-second setup is a similar concept to a chest-supported row only done with a pulldown to hit a vertical pulling movement pattern to strongly target the lats.

By blocking your chest, you take away all extra body momentum and more effectively force tension onto the lats.

Get the full rundown on the setup will LIGHT UP your lats.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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