Subject: Fitness and True Love that lasts a lifetime? What the...?

From: Nick Nilsson
Author of BetterU News

Okay, I realize is this is COMPLETELY different from the fitness
info I usually send out but when I was approached by the writer
of this book, I thought "what the's almost Valentine's
Day"... :)

So if you're wondering where this is coming from, THAT is where
this is coming from...

Plus, I'm actually kicking in a couple of my own books "The Best
Ab Exercises" and "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" as bonuses
for this!

So here's the deal...

Who else would like to ensure a lifetime of romance, passion,
connection, confidence, and true love with your spouse...

...and grab yourself hundreds of dollars (over $571!) worth of
FREE gifts in the bargain? There will also be a prize drawing of
gifts with values over $5000.00!

I just want to give you a quick heads-up on the most amazingly
handy, and utterly effective little guidebook I’ve come across
in a long, L-O-N-G time!

*** SPOT QUIZ *** (please answer quickly):

What’s the #1 frustration in your relationship?

There’s no one “right” answer, of course…

Because while one person might say “he doesn’t listen to
me”, the next could answer “she never shuts up!”

A dozen people ...a dozen answers: “we hardly ever make love,
anymore” ...“doesn’t acknowledge all the work I do around
here” ...“never on time” ... “doesn’t understand me”...
“we never do anything together”...

And on and on and on.

Well here’s my exciting news for today:

I’ve just discovered the solution to ALL these complaints –

And it’ll only take you 30 minutes.

Here’s what I’m talking about…

Authors BJ and Laurie Woodard have just released an explosive
little guide to identifying and ELIMINATING all the most common
causes of relationship discord and breakdown.

Whether you’re married, engaged, or just entering that initial
dating period...

Whether things are still looking rosy for you, as you walk
hand-in-hand through a field of daisies ...or you’re already
at that point where ALL the above-mentioned frustrations

You simply won’t find a better collection of answers to all
your relationship trip-ups than...


And a “manual” is exactly what it is!

Simple, easy-to-understand language wasted words, just a
straight-forward “here’s what’s wrong – here’s what you
need to do about it” kind of approach...

They’ve even included handy, quick-reference,
“trouble-shooting” charts to keep us on track every day. It
really IS just like a pocket-size owner’s manual for anything
else you might hope to have last forever!

It’s already being praised by doctors, experts, and happy
couples everywhere who have turned their own marriages around
using the wisdom contained in this one slim volume.

And everyone reports that it’s quicker, easier, and simpler
than anything they’ve ever tried before … or even HOPED to

Now, there’s no way I can do this dynamite little guide, with
all its powerful advice in such a compact package, any real
justice in this brief e-mail.

So here’s what I want you to do:

Use this link below to visit their website…

There, you’ll get all the details on not only The MARRIAGE

But also all those free gifts they’re giving away when you
order your copy before the cut-off day (including my own two
books, which you'll see on the site!).

(So don’t waste any time getting over there. In fact, I’d
advise doing it right now! If you do, you certainly don’t NEED
the rest of this letter.)

Oh! I forgot to mention:

They’re also throwing the names of everyone grabbing this book
before the cut-off into a draw for $5743 in additional prizes! (I
had a sneak peek at those prizes ...and they’re IN-credible.)

Anyhow ...I probably shouldn’t say this (so don’t mention
it to Laurie and BJ) but...

Even if I didn’t already know what a terrific marriage-saving,
potentially life-saving resource The MARRIAGE MANUAL is...

(*whispering, so “THEY” don’t hear me*...) I would STILL
buy the book just to get all those gifts, and get your name in on
the draw prizes.

Okay, I gotta get back to work.

Check this out here:


P.S. – And good luck in the draw! Back to our regularly
fitness info next time :)

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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