Subject: exercise that won't get you kicked out of your gym!

Don't's still an awesome one... :)

This is an In-Set Superset and it's one of my favorite training

The concept is very simple. You combine two exercises,
that share a common start or end position, into ONE set.
Then you alternate reps of each exercise.

Beyond giving you the benefits of both exercises in one set,
I also find that it seems to ramp up muscle fiber activation
because of the constant switching between movement
patterns targeting the same muscle. Once you try it, you'll
see and feel exactly why it's so effective.

For the triceps, we're going to be switching between
Dumbbell Extensions and Dumbbell Close Grip Bench
Press...both done with a neutral grip (palms facing in).
You'll be alternating between an isolation exercise and a
compound exercise.

You can also perform this combination using barbell (or
EZ curl bar)...I like the dumbbells for this one as they give
you some degree of instability and they allow you to
bring your hands right down beside your head while
keeping your upper arms locked in position.

Grab a couple of fairly light to moderate-weight dumbbells.
You can go heavier once you get a feel for the exercise.

Lay on the bench and hold them at the top in a neutral position.

Now, keeping your arms locked into position, lower the
dumbbells down beside your ears.

Extend back up.

Then come down into the bottom of the press.

When coming up out of the press, try and focus on pushing
with the HEELS of your hands, to improve tricep activation.

Repeat this sequence, going back and forth between reps
of the extension and the press.

I like to do at least 8 to 10 reps of each exercise for 3 sets
total. On the final set, once I can't get any more extensions,
I'll rep out with as many reps as I can get with the stronger
exercise, the press. This will completely finish off the triceps.

This exercise combination is one of my favorites for
hitting the triceps HARD. I think you'll like it, too!

If you'd like to see the video of this in action, I just posted it
to my Facebook page
(if you haven't liked my page yet, be
sure to do that while you're there!).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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