Subject: Figure Competition Insider Secrets...good info

First off, yes, this is a very specialized topic that obviously isn't going to apply to's
a free report from my friend Karen Sessions (who is a top-level figure competitor and coach) that
gives some of her best tips and tricks for preparing for a figure competition.

It's EXCELLENT, practical info, including...

  • Her personal BEST figure competition diet plan she uses to melt body fat like CRAZY, all the
    while maintaining lean sexy muscle that you will need when you step on stage... (Includes
    sample figure diet tear sheet)...
  • Insider Tips and Tricks on how to get Stellar legs that turn heads and get the judges attention...
    (Includes downloadable leg training program)...
  • How to weight train for your figure contest and keep your feminine curves (HINT: It's NOT
    what you think) and how to avoid burnout...
  • How to find figure contests to compete in that are right for your body type and where you
    have a chance at placing first. (Tips handed down from IFBB Figure Pro)...
  • What to eat, how much to drink, how to train, and how much cardio you need peak week to
    look your ABSOLUTE best and WIN...

Very good info and if you're interested, you can grab that here...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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