Subject: Fat-burning snack and ab training info...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, first the bad news... today is the last day that my
colleague Mike Geary is offering his "Fat Burning Kitchen" book
for half price - that goes up to 40 bucks tonight at midnight
instead of the 20 bucks that it is now.

It's a really good book - lots of great information on what you
should and shouldn't be eating (a few of these really surprised
me, actually, and I was glad to learn the scientific reasoning
behind it, not just a "don't do this" kind of lecture).

I also quite like the advanced section on exactly how he dropped
almost 4% body in 23 days to get ready for a photo shoot. Might
have to take a crack at his techniques myself here.

Mike also kicked over a great snack idea here for me to pass
along to you, too:


**Wild smoked salmon with fresh basil leaves and avocado on
cucumber slices! Even throw a couple capers on there if you're
into that.

So simple... yet a perfect late night snack since it's mostly
good quality protein, healthy fats, and a vegetable. It's also a
great healthy appetizer if you have guests over. Just make sure
to choose WILD smoked salmon since farmed salmon meat is not as
healthy due to the feed that the salmon are given, throwing the
omega-6 to omega-3 ratio out of whack.


Me, I have no idea what capers are or how you could be "into"
them :) but the idea itself sounds good!



Time for the next blog postings on Jeff Anderson's upcoming
program "Muscle Specialization" - today, it's abs.

But nobody's interested in ab training, right?...yeah, right...
check it out here:

And I've got a few of my own favorites here for you as well!

Secret Training Tip #6451 - Dumbell Whip-Arounds For Explosive
Core Power

Secret Training Tip #446 - Dumbell Crawling - An INSANELY
EFFECTIVE Abdominal Exercise That Will Leave You Crawling On The
Floor... Literally!

Secret Training Tip #991 - Trunk Twists With a Twist - Tighten
Your Love Handles NOW

Secret Training Tip #787 - Two Dumbell Ball Twists