Subject: Fat Loss Circuit Training...KILLER for boosting metabolism

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

Okay, time to hit you with a training technique that will rev up
your metabolism like nothing else! This is one of the main
techniques found in my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program
(and if you've seen this one before, I've got an update for it you can
read about below).

I call it Fat Loss Circuit Training and it's VERY powerful stuff.

Basically, you're going to be doing a full "normal" weight
workout...but instead of taking actual REST in between sets,
you're doing to do 40 seconds of moderate cardio....

...through the WHOLE workout... you really get NO rest for the whole I said...KILLER.

By constantly switching back and forth between energy systems
like this you place tremendous demands on your body. It may not
even feel that hard while you're doing it but when you're done,
you can actually FEEL your metabolism cranking.

(not even joking there...I'm almost to the point of sweating for
several hours after these workouts. THAT is a metabolic boost...a
Surge, if you will :)-

You can get the full rundown on it here:


And if you've already seen or tried this technique before,
here's an update for you to test between each weight set
and cardio set, include a set of ab training.

So it'll look like (for example):

1 set bench press
1 set hanging leg raises
40 sec cardio
1 set bench press
1 set hanging leg raises
40 sec cardio


Use the same ab exercise with the same weight exercise. Switch
up when you switch to a different weight exercise.

I've also done it with Dumbell Farmers Walks, carrying a pair of
100 lb dumbells back and forth between my cardio and weight
exercise stations. THAT one is brutal. Very effective but


Now, if you haven't already checked out the program, here's the my horrific "before" picture posted on there for you
to enjoy, too...



P.S. For the next few days (until Friday, June 11th at midnight
CST), I'm going to be throwing in ALL FOUR of my Best Exercises
ebooks when you pick up Metabolic Surge 2.0. These normally sell
for $110 on their own and you'll get them no charge.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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