Subject: Fat Burning Shortcut for People OVER 40

If you're over 40 and having trouble dropping stubborn fat, this info is for YOU.

It's a great guest article from my friend and colleague, Shaun Hadsall, giving you a fantastic two-step solution for burning stubborn fat.

And I know BOTH of these methods work because I've been using them myself for almost 20 years (what can I say, I'm ahead of the curve ;). If you've got my Metabolic Surge program, you'll see what I mean when you read the article.

What I HAVEN'T done is combine both of these methods into ONE workout. And after reading the article myself, it's something I'm absolutely going to do. It makes total sense and I can see how effective it'll be.

Bottom line, if you're interested in losing fat (even if you're not over 40), this is something you'll want to check out.




If there’s one commodity that most of us are running short on in today’s day and age, it’s time.

Thankfully there is a groundbreaking fat burning shortcut you can use to experience TEN-FOLD greater fat loss and burn 991% MORE fat than traditional exercise routines…

Allowing you to access stubborn fat cells up to 300% FASTER than normal while doubling your rate fat loss EVERY time you exercise.

And no matter what your age, gender, or current condition is, right now you can use this new breakthrough below to take your metabolism and fat loss to a whole new level.

Please beware: Most personal trainers and online so-called “fitness gurus” will NEVER tell you to use what’s recommended below because they are still using outdated and inefficient training methods they’ve learned from their silly certifications.

They have been brainwashed into believing this particular strategy is “off-limits” because you’re not entering your so-called “fat burning zone” and you’ll burn up muscle.

And even though they have good intentions, this is complete nonsense.

As you’ll soon discover, there are several studies below showing the exact opposite is true.

There is a better way. A 2-step fat burning shortcut below you can use starting today, helping you visually SEE your belly get FLATTER in as little as 48 hours from now.


Fat Burning Shortcut Step #1: “Feel” The Burn (stimulate lactate)

Ever felt that burning sensation in your muscles when you lift weights or exercise intensely?

This is a key indicator that you’re stimulating lactate (aka – lactic acid), a shortcut to helping you release more growth hormone, which can accelerate your fat loss and calorie burning.

Lactic Acid sends a powerful signal to your body to build more energy-producing mitochondria (your “gatekeeper” to releasing fat cells to be burned off) and release MORE fat-burning hormones like HGH (women) and testosterone (men).[1] [2]


How do you automatically stimulate lactate?

Simple: Perform your resistance training sets with 20 repetitions or more, and make sure you “feel the burn” by the time you hit 20 reps. If you don’t feel the burning sensation in your muscles, keep going until you do.

It’s super easy. If you select a weight that’s too heavy on an exercise and can’t make it to 20 repetitions, just quickly change to a lighter weight while resting as little as possible, and continue the SAME exercise until you hit at least 20 reps of a chosen body part.

This type of high rep training works especially well for people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, because you stimulate more collagen production[3] and increase tendon strength[4], all while being MUCH easier on your joints.

As soon as you finish your set of 20 reps or more, and you “feel the burn,” step one of your fat burning shortcut is completed. Your body is now PRIMED to release more fat burning growth hormone.

But it only works if you use it in combination with fat-burning shortcut step #2 below…


Fat Burning Shortcut Step 2: Results Accelerator (increase oxygen and blood flow)

As soon as you complete your high rep set you’ll immediately move to a 20 – 60 second cardio exercise burst with as little rest as possible in between bursts to increase oxygen and blood flow to all your working muscles.

So unlike traditional weight training, where you stand around resting between sets wasting time, your rest period now becomes a fat-burning results accelerator.

Normally this is considered to be a SIN in the fitness and weight loss world, because most fitness professionals have been programmed to believe you’ll lose strength and burn up precious muscle.

That’s why you’ll never hear personal trainers recommending this fat burning shortcut solution.

But the science and real world results says otherwise…

Research from W. Jackson Davis and colleagues at the University of California at Santa Cruz and the University of California at Berkley looked at this issue in a September 2008 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research [5].

They compared the results of 28 women divided into two groups. Group one worked out with weights followed by cardiovascular exercise bursts on a treadmill.

The second group did an equal volume of weight training and equal amounts of cardiovascular exercise… only this time they used the Fat-Burning Shortcut Solution with the cardiovascular exercise wedged in-between sets of weight lifting.

After 11 weeks, the Fat-Burning Shortcut Solution group made significantly MORE progress in all areas:

  • 82% greater improvement in muscle gains
  • 35% greater improvement in lower body strength
  • 52% greater improvement in lower body endurance
  • 143% greater improvement in upper body flexibility
  • 28% greater improvement in lower body flexibility
  • 991% greater loss in fat mass!


The results are pretty incredible! Nearly a TEN-fold greater loss in fat AND they gained muscle at the SAME time. This is normally considered impossible.

Another study titled, “The exercise-induced growth hormone response in athletes” (EIGR), indicates as little as 12 minutes of the Fat Burning Shortcut Solution can increase growth hormone secretion for up to 24 hours[6].  

Research also shows this approach decreases the feeling of soreness from exercise, known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), by speeding up recovery and repair[7].

This may explain why exercisers using this approach were able to gain more lean muscle, as well as burn significantly more fat.

Conversely, long duration endurance training does the exact opposite. It has been shown to age you FASTER, while blunting growth hormone secretion[6].   

And right now you can use step 1 and step 2 TOGETHER using the 12-Minute Fat-Burning Breakthrough found on the Next Page to keep your heart working and pumping out more blood, which means more blood flow and oxygen to your working muscles.

When you deliver more nutrients to your muscles, you enhance their ability to generate energy because you’ll have more muscular endurance from the increased oxygen and blood flow.

As you can clearly see, with the Fat Burning Shortcut your normal workout can easily be transformed into a hybrid of resistance training combined with interval-based cardio, which is proven to be a POWERFUL combination that will take your fat burning to the next level.

Unfortunately, there are a few nagging problems that come along with trying to attempt this type of Fat Burning Shortcut.

FIRST: You need to have access to the RIGHT equipment so you can alternate between weight lifting and cardio bursts correctly.

SECOND: You need be able to move back and forth from each exercise VERY quickly to get these results, which can be extremely difficult in a gym or health club environment.

THIRD: You need to be working the RIGHT muscles, at the RIGHT time, and in the RIGHT order for it to work properly.

HOWEVER: The exercise breakthrough found on the Next Page proves there is a better, EASIER way ANY man or woman in their 40s, 50s, or 60s can use to achieve the SAME mind-boggling results as the studies above with NO equipment… and it takes ONLY 12 minutes.

Just click the link below and put this groundbreaking 12-minute metabolic trick to work on your body today: 

>>>> Discover How ANY Man or Woman OVER 40 Can Burn Stubborn Fat Like Clockwork



  • Ahtiainen, Juha P., et al. “Heavy resistance exercise training and skeletal muscle androgen receptor expression in younger and older men.” Steroids 76.1 (2011): 183-192.
  • Chwalbinska-Moneta, Jolanta, et al. “Threshold increases in plasma growth hormone in relation to plasma catecholamine and blood lactate concentrations during progressive exercise in endurance-trained athletes.” European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology 73.1-2 (1996): 117-120
  • Davis, et. al. Concurrent training enhances athletes’ strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487–1502.
    Sports Med. 2003;33(8):599-613. The exercise-induced growth hormone response in athletes.
  • Davis, et. al. Elimination of delayed-onset muscle soreness by pre-resistance cardioacceleration before each set. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. January 2008;22: 215–225.


Nick here again....

Now, as you can see after reading the article, you might be familiar with those concepts already.

The first is Lactic Acid Training, which I've showed a number of times in demos before. The second is a method that I call Fat Loss Circuit Training, where you alternate between weights and cardio with no actual rest.

What I haven't done is combine Lactic Acid Training using weights with that cardio-for-rest protocol.

And dang, why didn't I think of that.

Anyways, if you ARE looking to drop stubborn fat (maybe starting January 1st, for example), this is absolutely a method I would recommend.

You can learn more about Shaun's full "Over 40 Fat Loss" program here. It's solid...very effective stuff.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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