Subject: Fast fat loss or fast weight decide...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, this literally came to my email a few minutes ago. This is
for everybody who wants to GAIN weight (not lose it, like with
the Xtreme Fat Loss program...more on that below).

Just got an email from Jeff Anderson "The Muscle Nerd" that he's
putting on a free webcast on Thursday at 8 pm EST for people who
have trouble GAINING weight. He's going to give you his 5 best
"sneaky" muscle gaining tricks.


This is an "invitation only" event and you can participate from
anywhere in the world, BUT...there's limited seating so make sure
you register and grab your spot, if you're interested.

Here's what Jeff asked me to tell you about it....

* Forget "traditional" training - it simply CAN'T WORK for
skinny guys! (But you'll discover a simple-yet-advanced training
technique that works almost like MAGIC at packing on size!)

* The simple solution for eating to gain weight...WITHOUT
stuffing yourself like a pig!

* "The great protein lie"...and why "weight gain powders" are
absolutely KILLING your chances to ever gain weight.

* The gurus say NEVER do this in your training. They're DEAD
WRONG...and you'll see how this "forbidden" workout technique can
actually skyrocket your gains (IF you do it MY WAY)!

Here's the registration link again:




P.S. Just fyi, with that Xtreme Fat Loss program I mentioned,
Joel will be taking down the "fast action bonus" at midnight
tonight (a 120 Minute VIP LIVE Q&A Coaching Call with Joel,
John Romaniello, and Dr. Kareem Samhouri).

Read more about it here - the program is definitely tough but
very well put-together and effective.


These are some smart guys who REALLY know fat loss. It's a great
bonus and definitely worth jumping on.

My own bonus is going to be available right up to the end,
though. When you order a copy of Xtreme Fat Loss through my link
(make sure you click the link in this email), you'll get copies of...

The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of (53 exercises)
The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of (68 exercises)
The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of (53 exercises)
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of (77 exercises)

TOTAL - 251 exercises that normally sell for $ get 'em fr-ee.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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