Subject: Fast action bonus for 21 Day Fast Mass program going away in a few hours...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, I'll keep this one short and sweet. I mentioned in an
earlier email about Vince DelMonte and Lee Hayward's new "21 Day
Fast Mass program." This is an excellent uses a
training framework I'm totally familiar with...I've actually been
using this style of cyclical diet and training myself off and on
for more than 15 years and even though gaining 7 to 10 lbs of
muscle in 21 days sounds like hype, I can tell you this stuff
flat-out WORKS.

I know because I've done it using very similar techniques.


Anyway, they've got a nice fast-action bonus available only to
those who pick up the program TODAY...a 12 month periodized
training calendar they've put together to help you plan your
training to maximize your long-term results. Valuable info and a
nice addition to the program.


P.S. Don't forget, when you purchase their program through one of
the special tracking links ONLY in this email, I'll kick in a
copy of either my Muscle Explosion book OR The Best Mass
Exercises You've Never Heard Of, no charge.

I want you to have all the info you need to take this program and
push your results to the LIMIT. The Muscle Explosion program is
an advanced program that utilizes similar cyclical training and
eating techniques...the Best Mass Exercises book is packed with
more than 120 very unique, very cool mass-orientied exercises you
can plug right in to this program.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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