Subject: [Expiring tonight!] Get my "Best Mass Exercises" book FREE with D.U.P.

So last night at 1 am, I'm thinking to myself...

"This D.U.P. program for mass and strength is excellent...and I really want to make sure you know this program is the real deal and that it gets top marks from me. What could I do to add even MORE value to what they're already offering?"

Then BOOM...I have it.

Insane exercises.

Hey, that's what I do, right?... ;)

So here's the deal...make sure you use any of the links in this email and go pick up your copy of Daily Undulating Periodization right now for $27 and I'll give you a FREE copy of my book "The Best Mass Exercises You've Never Heard Of" to go along with it (119 killer, new mass-building movements!).


Just forward your email receipt to and we'll hook it up for you.

And yep, if you've already picked up the D.U.P. program, you absolutely DO get that bonus as well (and a TON of people have already picked it up). Again, just forward your receipt and you're golden.

Just fyi, the price of $27 (regular $97) and this the bonus book offer will expire in...

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So What is D.U.P.?

I've been talking about it and the theory behind it quite a bit this past week....however, if you need a refresher, D.U.P. stands for Daily Undulating Periodization.

The basic idea behind this training method is strategic high-frequency training.

Instead of hammering a muscle into the ground with one targeted workout for it a week, you will actually be working muscles and movements MULTIPLE times a week with different training modalities.

In my experience, this approach is FAR superior to the more standard "once a week" method I see a lot of guys using.

I've been using variations of this approach for pretty much my entire 24+ years of training...because it FLAT-OUT WORKS.

I don't need to tell you why you want to build muscle and strength...(i.e. look better, be stronger, more confident, etc.). I think you already know WHY you want to get bigger and stronger.

What you may not know is HOW to go about doing it with RELENTLESS efficiency and legitimate science-based training.

And that's where the D.U.P. program comes in.

It's not full of fluff and garbage. The creators, Jason Maxwell and Mike Samuels, put this program together assuming you're NOT a total they don't treat you like one from the get-go.

They get straight to the point and tell you what you need to know about how to make this approach WORK for you right out of the gates.

They lay everything out so you know exactly what you're doing in terms of exercise selection, sets, reps, training volume, modifications for 5, 4 and 3 training days a week, how to train if you're a "beat up" lifter, optimal exercise performance and much more.

For 27 bucks you're not just getting a program, you're getting an EDUCATION in effective programming.

And THAT is something that will vault you literally YEARS ahead in your understanding of the science of training and get you SERIOUS long-term muscle and strength results.

The ENTIRE program is 70% off the normal price until TONIGHT at midnight (PST).

Then the price WILL be going up from $27 to $97 and my offer of the "Best Mass Exercises" for free will expire along with it.

(Side note...if you do have any hesitations about picking up the program, they do have a full satisfaction 60-day money-back guarantee. So if you're on the fence, my recommendation would be to pick up the program, read through it then make the most educated decision possible by seeing the ACTUAL program, not just what I or they wrote about it! If it's not for you, just let them know and they'll refund every penny).

Grab your copy here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook fan page and subscribe to my
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