Subject: Equipment Review...This one is GREAT for Boot Camp-style training

I have to say, one of the most enjoyable parts of what I do on the Interweb is
reviewing and evaluating unique pieces of training equipment.

I start off using the equipment as it's supposed to be used, then I go all "mad scientist"
on it and see how much OTHER stuff I can do with it to really extend the usefulness
of the equipment.

The cool thing is, I actually have manufacturers actively seek me out to do just this
kind of thing for them so they can show even more uses for their equipment!

And that's exactly what happened with a new piece of equipment I just finished testing
called the Fitness Anchor.

The Fitness Anchor Review

And yep, when you look at it, it's hard to tell what it's even FOR (hint: it's not
training equipment for boating or fishing).

The Fitness Anchor is a very cool piece of equipment was originally designed for
use in Boot Camp Training for multi-station also functions very well for
individuals as well.

I put this thing through it's paces and posted a full video review (and written review
with pictures) on my site.

If you run Boot Camps, you should definitely check out the Fitness Anchor as it's
meant for YOU (if you go to Boot Camps, you should tell your instructor to check
out the Fitness Anchor, too).

And if you train in a home gym, the "individual" uses of the Fitness Anchor will make
it a very useful tool for you as well (I did some really cool "strongman" style training
with it, that I show on the page).

Check out my full review of the Fitness Anchor here.



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