Subject: Elevated Renegade Rows...KILLER core and back training

The Renegade Row is an excellent back and core exercise
that's very straightforward to perform. It's like combining
a plank with a one-arm dumbell or kettlebell row
movement. You hold yourself up on one arm while rowing
the weight up with the other.

The single-side resistance puts tremendous tension
through the core while you're getting some nice back work.

This version of the Renegade Row has one big difference...
instead of having your feet on the floor, they'll be up on a
flat bench so that your body id horizontal rather than on an

This changes where the exercise hits your core (more in
the lower aspect, with a lot of tension going through the
adductor muscles). It also changes up the angle on your
back training a bit, too.

To do this one, you'll need a flat bench and two dumbells.
Go with weights you can very easily do rows with. I'm just
using 65 lb dumbells here and I can row about 3 times
that much for one arm DB rows. It's your core that's going
to determine how much weight you can use with this one.

Set your hands on the dumbells then set your toes on the
bench, with your feet out wide. You want to form a triangle
with your base of'll be two feet and one hand.
Start with your body in a straight plank position.

Now row up one dumbell. You'll have to angle your body
a bit to do the row and you'll have to tighten the adductors
and core strongly to maintain your body position on the bench.

Set the dumbell back on the floor.

Then row on the other side.

Make sure you keep that support arm locked out straight
and keep your body as straight as possible.

It's a tough exercise for the core, even though the rowing
part is not probably going to be all that challenging for
the back compared to "normal" rows because of how
you have to use lighter weight for it.

Great exercise to use when training for fat loss.

If you try it, let me know how you like it!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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