Subject: Eat carbs...Lose fat...How do to it...

Carbs are NOT your enemy. Let's be clear on that right now.

Carbs are delicious.

And you CAN lose fat while eating long as you eat them strategically.

In fact, when used properly, carbs can HELP you lose fat even faster than if you were to eat a straight-up low-carb diet.

If you've ever tried to stick to a low-carb diet for more than 7 days in a row, you've experienced the drop-off in results due to a reduced metabolism.

The longest I've gone eating strict low-carb is 14 days...and it was miserable. I felt like energy, no strength, no enthusiasm for anything.

That's when I really delved into a concept called "Carb Cycling."

This is a way to strategically eat carbs and use them to get even BETTER results than just low-carb eating...and without the rotating your carb intake (and non-intake) over a few days.

This is an approach I HIGHLY recommend. A good friend of mine (and top nutritionist), Jayson Hunter, has put together a book outling a VERY smart approach to Carb Cycling.

If you'd like to learn about how to eat carbs and lose fat, check out his program here.

His smart, very simple approach could be just what you need for successful long-term fat loss without the suffering and misery of extended low-carb eating!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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