Subject: "Easy" versions of the handstand push-up...GREAT shoulder training for all levels...

Handstand push-ups are awesome...let me just start by saying that. If I could only do one shoulder exercise, that would be the one.

But DANG they are hard, and most people aren't able to master the technique and develop the strength to really get a lot out of them. Also, not everybody is comfortable being up in a handstand.

So that's where THESE exercises come into play...

They actually LOOK a lot like a regular handstand push-up with one big difference...instead of supporting your whole bodyweight in the handstand position, you're going to use strategic changes in your body position to take off some of that resistance.

This is going to allow you to get almost all the benefits of the handstand push-up without having to do a full handstand.

I've got several variations...a couple for intermediate to advanced trainers and a couple that'll work even for total beginners.

Whether you train at home or at a gym, these shoulder exercises are a perfect addition to your list of "to do" exercises...


P.S. Today is your last chance to pick up that free 6-day "body redesign" course from bodyweight experts Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock. This is EXCELLENT info...well worth picking up a copy.

Free body “redesign” plan - click here to grab it now

Plain links from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

Free Body-Redesign Program:

The Exercises:

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