Subject: EXPIRING: 21 Day Primer Workout for Faster Gains [free download]

Hey, just a quick case you missed it earlier, today Vince &
Ben added ANOTHER bonus for everyone who joins the Hypertrophy
MAX muscle building system before midnight tonight...but the bonus
is expiring in a few short hours:

What's the bonus? It's a good one...the 'Pause & Prime' Prep Phase

Pause & Prime' Prep Phase

This is right along the same lines as what I do in my Muscle
Explosion and Mad Scientist Muscle programs...using specific
training styles to prepare the physiology of your body for
maximum muscle growth.

I like to use techniques like 100 rep sets, stretch and contracted
position partial training, and a few other methods in order to
accomplish this.

Vince and Ben use a different method that involves using very
focused agonist/antagonist muscle contractions at different
points along the range of motion in order to teach your body
proper firing patterns.

I've tried it and it WORKS. It's a great way to "relearn" proper
form and movement patterns to make sure your fibers are
getting worked to their peak potential when you start in with
the hypertrophy training.

The idea behind it is're laying a foundation for
muscle growth. Without this type of training, you're definitely
NOT maximizing your true muscle-building potential.

You can read more here:

60% OFF Hypertrophy MAX + The 'Pause & Prime' Prep Phase ------ expires tonight

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of M

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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