Subject: EVIL "6-pack-abs-carving" exercise for you...(not sorry)

The burn is INTENSE. As a bonus, it will also work your back at the same time!

You're will be going from an abdominal sit-up, straight into an inverted row, then back down into an abdominal sit-up, non-stop.

The abdominal sit-up is an exercise that LOOKS like a sit-up but with one critical will be done with a rolled-up towel under your lower back to change the fulcrum (pivot point) of the exercise from the hips to the spine.

This means instead of this sit-up being a hip-flexion exercise that torques the lower back (like a regular sit-up), it becomes a SPINAL-flexion exercise with the loading shifted to the rectus abdominis (the six-pack abs) instead.

This means you're putting almost ALL the weight of your entire torso on your abs instead of your lower back. The difference is amazing and we're going to take to an even higher level.

You'll do this exercise in front of a bar set at the exact height where you can grab with your hands at the top of the Ab Sit-Up. Then you'll immediately perform an Inverted Row.

When doing the Inverted Row, you'll want to focus on trying to do a "pullover/lever" kind of action with your arms, meaning try to imagine pushing DOWN on the bar as you pull your body up. This will take a bit of practice, but once you get the groove, it will light up your six-pack abs like crazy.


Here's what the sequence looks like:

Start with the rolled-up towel under your lower back, feet together, knees apart. This position takes the hip flexors out of a straight line of pull, which helps to further minimize their involvement.

Your arms should be held out above/in front of you.

Start the sit-up, reach up and forward towards the bar.

Grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip. You'll need to test your setup with one rep before you go into a full set, to make sure you've got the height right. It needs to be right within reach at the top of the sit-up.

Now lock your body into that position and start the inverted row. Again, imagine as though you're pushing DOWN on the bar as you pull your body up.

Come all the way up until your chest touches the bar.

Then reverse the sequence, coming back down.

Fully stretch and relax the abs at the bottom, then repeat.

Aim for as many reps as you can get with good form on this one. It will be surprisingly tough. You can do 1-3 sets of this one, depending on how hard you want to hit your six-pack abs.

If you find you can't do the Ab Sit-Up and reach forward, you can also perform this combination using a regular crunch on the floor. You'll need to lower the level of the bar, but it's a very effective, easier option.

This is a great exercise for really targeting the six-pack abs. And you will be swearing at me by the time you're done.

You can watch the full video of this exercise in action here.

Click here to start from the exercise demo.


Like That One? Get 6 More EVIL Core Exercises Here

(if you like challenging abdominal training, you've gotta try these)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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