Subject: Don't put tuna in your cereal like I did...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So here's the problem (and yes, it's true...I DID actually put
tuna in my cereal once - more on that below, with operative word
being moron)...

...Healthy "staples" can get totally overused and become
tasteless and boring FAST. After all, there are only so many ways
to dress up an egg white (to me, the best way is with an egg
yolk! :)

Now, I think I know what you're thinking...and it's what I USED
to is fuel. You can get through the taste of just
about anything if you know that what you're eating is getting you
the results you want.

And yep, I used to think like that and made some of the WORST
"recipes" (and I use that term loosely) because I thought I had
to eat the same tasteless foods over and over.

That's where the tuna in the cereal came in...

I was in college and bored with just eating cereal every day for
breakfast (and sometimes lunch...and dinner) and wanted to try a
new way to increase the protein content of it. I've choked down a
lot of my own terrible cooking over the years but that was the
WORST...milk, fish and Mini-Wheats...not a good combo.

I WISH I would have had Dave Ruel's book "Anabolic Cooking" at
the time. I totally would've made Maple-Pecan High-Protein
Muffins (one of the recipes in his book) instead of Tuna-Cereal
Surprise. It would have saved me a lot of years of therapy...


Because you really don't HAVE to eat bland, boring foods day in
and day out when you know what you're doing in the kitchen.

And that's what this book is all about...easy-to-make recipes
that are healthy, help you build muscle and burn fat AND taste
like real food.

In fact, if YOU want to eat healthy and the rest of your family
isn't so keen on it, you can totally use these recipes to
disguise dinner. It'll taste awesome and they won't even know
it's good for them :) Everybody wins.



P.S. Dave's agreed to put his book on sale for the next few's going away on Nov 12th, though, so if you think you
might be interested, definitely pick it up. I'm also throwing in
THREE bonus books "Classified Arm Training," "Classified Chest
Training" and "Classified Intensity Techniques" when you do!

These books are packed with some seriously good info that'll help
you get more out of every set and rep you's not just
insane exercises, too. The books are full of tips to help you
increase the effectiveness of the "normal" stuff you do every
single day in the gym, too! :)


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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