Subject: Don't look like you're riding a your legs! (true story)

I'm sure we can all agree that one of the WORST "looks"
that we see in the gym is that "riding a chicken" look...with
the huge upper body and the scrawny little chicken legs.

When I first started training, like 25 years ago, there was
a guy in the gym I would go to...absolutely MASSIVE
upper body. Literally he could flat bench 405 like it was

And yet, as huge as he was, just about EVERYBODY
would make fun of him...because he NEVER worked his
legs. And by never, I mean EVER. The only leg training
he'd do was walking from the bench press to the plate
tree to put more weights on the bar.

He would always wear sweat pants because he knew it.

So one night, I walked into the gym at about 11 pm (was
a card-lock system so you could go any time), and there
he was at the Smith machine, doing some horrible squats.

I was SHOCKED. And by that point, he was a friend of
mine, so I resisted the urge to give him a hard time about
coming in "after hours" to work legs, and instead opted
for encouragement.

And let me tell you, he was VERY appreciative of that.

Now, people who work only upper body (in my
opinion, at least) do so for several reasons...

1. Leg training is hard and they're lazy.

2. They're building "mirror muscles" so they can just look
good at the beach and don't care what it looks like.

3. They really don't KNOW how stupid it looks to have
a great upper body but no legs.

4. They have no idea what they're doing when it comes
to proper leg training.

My friend was #4.

At this point, I had only been training a few years, but I
ALWAYS trained my legs hard...and I had a good idea
of what I was doing and he knew that. So he started
peppering me with questions about leg training.

We got him started on some good, basic leg exercises...
free weight barbell squats in the rack, dumbbell split
squats, and stiff-legged deadlifts...nothing crazy, just
good, solid basics with good form.

And yeah, he had done a few half-hearted sets of leg
extensions and leg curls at point but, and had just never
gotten anything out of them (something that happens
to a lot of people).

But now that he had some confidence in what he
was doing...he became an ANIMAL with leg training.

And people STOPPED making fun of him pretty fast...
because within a matter of MONTHS, his legs had made
tremendous progress and his physique was complete...
no more chicken riding.

Now, if you hate working legs because you're lazy...
or if you just want to build mirror muscles...or if you think
it looks awesome to have a huge upper body and skinny
legs...I can't help you. In fact, you're probably not even
reading this email :).


If you're a #4, like my friend, then I CAN help you.

I've got the exercises and training techniques you need
so that you can look COMPLETE in your
that you are STRONG and POWERFUL...and so that
NOBODY will ever accuse you of riding a chicken.

And it all starts with these 5 exercises...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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