Subject: Don't know what to eat for breakfast? Try this...

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Breakfast is the most confusing meal of the day for a lot of us.

One of the most common nutrition questions I get is "What should I have for breakfast?"

For me, I eat half a dozen whole eggs and chia seeds (not mixed together, mind you).

However, that's not a good fit for everybody.

The standard choices of cereal, toast, coffee, processed meats, etc. are really not ideal...they can leave you even more tired than when you woke up, not energized and ready to take on the day.


That's why I want to tell you about another breakfast option... (though you can really take it any time of day, including post-workout).

It tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch and it's a superfood + protein powder.

The stuff is's called, drumroll please...Protein SuperFood.

It's a lot more than just protein and there are ZERO artificial ingredients.

You'll find protein, electrolytes, greens, and other superfoods...really good stuff.

And this may sound kind of weird but it "feels" clean as you're drinking it.

I've been drinking supplement and protein powders for so long (and you probably have, too), that I can tell when something is full of artificial mixes too thick, it has a sharp, artificial taste to it, etc.

THIS stuff tastes like real food, mixes clean and goes down easy.


Is it the perfect breakfast for your busy life?

That's for you to decide, however I think it's absolutely worth you testing it out to see.

I had it not only for breakfast (instead of food sometimes, when I was in a hurry) as well as post-workout.

It never gave me any digestive issues at all (if you've taken a lot of protein over the years, you're no doubt familiar with the digestive "aftermath" of a low-quality protein drink), which is a great indicator of the quality of the product.


This stuff gets my HIGHEST recommendation.

Protein powders are a dime a dozen. I've tested a LOT of different brands over the years.

This one stands out as one of my top picks, because of the taste, quality and nutrition profile.

You're getting a lot more than just simple protein here, and you ARE still getting good-quality protein.

Discover what Rootz Protein Superfood can do for you here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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