Subject: Don't go off your "Physical Cliff" this instead...

With all the talk in the news about the "fiscal cliff" that's coming up, it got me thinking
about how a lot of financial stuff is very similar to fitness and fat loss.

(in fact, a few years back, in fall of 2008, I actually wrote an article about how dieting
is like a financial can read that here).

Now, when it comes to the "physical cliff," I'm talking about a perceived "point of no
return" that many people have when it comes to body image...basically the point where
you feel that you're so far out of shape that you'll never be able to get to (or back to!)
where you want to be.

You feel like you've gone off the cliff and there's no getting back.

The ironic thing is, this "physical cliff" is actually more of a "mental cliff".

Your body has tremendous capacity for adaptation. It'll do what you tell it to do. And
I don't care how far gone you THINK you are, your body has the potential to change
and achieve the results you want to achieve.

It's your MIND that needs to be focused...and it needs to have a PLAN.

Now, related to this, what often goes hand-in-hand with this "physical/mental cliff"
feeling is the perception that you're too out of shape to go to the gym.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase "I want to go to the gym to get
in shape but I need to get in better shape first."

From a rationalization perspective, this is the best excuse in the's a self-fulfilling
prophecy whereby the person will NEVER get in better shape because they believe that
in order to get in better shape, you have to go to a gym. It's a vicious circle.

So how DO you get in better shape without going to the gym?

Bodyweight training.

There is SO much you can do with just your bodyweight (and an effective nutrition
program, of course!) that going to the gym becomes completely unnecessary for losing
fat and building muscle.

And that's exactly where my friend and colleague Adam Steer's new "Bodyweight Burn"
program comes in.

Check out Bodyweight Burn here...

Adam's program requires ZERO equipment, allowing you to train in the privacy of your own
home, so that "gym" excuse goes right down the drain.

He's included an excellent "Carb Synch" nutrition program that uses very targeted eating
strategies that mesh with the training you're doing.

And your "physical cliff"?

This program will pull you back over the edge.

It's VERY well put together, requires very little time committment and is extremely effective.
You'll have your training done quickly and conveniently and you won't have to go to a gym
to do it, making it that much more likely that you'll hit your fat-loss goals.

It won't happen all at once, but if you stick with it, it WILL happen.

And this "Bodyweight Burn" program will absolutely help you do it...and right now, I've got
Adam to offer it to you for 50 bucks off the regular price until FRIDAY at midnight.

Check out Bodyweight Burn here...


P.S. When you pick up Adam's new Bodyweight Burn program, send your receipt to and I'll send you a copy of my unrealeased NEW ebook "The Best
Exercises You've Never Heard Of...2.0
". It's packed with 93 insane new exercises
(not just bodyweight) and right now, the ONLY way to get it is by picking up this
bodyweight program.


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