Subject: Don't eat this...

There is one food ingredient you should NEVER eat...

Literally, NEVER.

And yet it is one of the most common artificial ingredients you'll
find in some of the most common foods you're eating...heck,
you've probably had a couple of grams it already today (maybe
in the peanut butter that you thought was healthy).

According to most experts and doctors, there is NO safe level
of this ingredient and they recommend food producers
immediately halt the industrial production of it (they won't, of

In fact, eating just a tiny amount of this nasty ingredient can
increase your risk of heart disease and make you store more
and more visceral fat... (the
dangerous kind of belly fat that's
much tougher to get rid of).

At the link below, my colleague Nick Pineault (aka - the "Nutrition
Nerd") reveals EXACTLY how to rid this TOXIC food from
your diet forever:

(just fyi, the answer is found in Step #1 on that page)

=> Eliminate this TOXIC ingredient from your kitchen today!

I first met Nick online a few months back when he approached
me with this nutrition info he was working on. We got to emailing
and I found out just how deeply he's researched this kind of
thing (he digs into nutrition like I did into training).

His info jives with what I've discovered through research myself
and what I know from experience to be the truth. It's good info.

And really, it's insane what he's come up with and it's definitely
stuff you need to know if you want to TRULY eat healthy.

Believe it or not, many of the "health" food labels that show
zero amounts of this toxic ingredient actually contain significant
amounts, but food companies get to LIE about it because that's
how the rules are written (thank you, FDA).

=> See if this TOXIC ingredient is in your favorite foods

This is something you'll definitely want to check out.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. - Here are some of the foods you'll find it in...

- pizza and pie crust
- granola bars
- nut butters
- anything from a bag or a box
- almost every cheat food
- fast food milkshakes
- cookies
- donuts (sorry Homer!)
- some frappacino style coffees
- and worse, so many of your children's foods!

Discover this toxic ingredient here

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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