Subject: Don't buy that Lean Hybrid Muscle program...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

...until you've heard my interview with Elliott Hulse tonight,
one of the creators of the program!

...or unless you really want to, of course ;)


Because tonight at 8 pm EST, I'm going to be doing a one-on-one
interview with Elliott so he can explain in full detail exactly
what this Lean Hybrid thing is all about.

Here's the info:

EVENT: Lean Hybrid Muscle - Interview With Elliott Hulse
DATE & TIME: Thursday, November 12th at 7:00pm Central
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)

You'll be able to submit your questions for Elliott on that
page, just fyi, and we'll be addressing everything we can in the
hour we'll be on the line.

You've probably seen a TON of info on this Lean Hybrid Muscle
program in the past few weeks. Elliott and his partner Mike
Westerdal have been all over the place talking about it.

Bottom line, it's a training system that allows you to build
muscle and lose fat at the same time but not by "conventional"
means. Instead of the "bulk and cut" type of training, you'll be
working with exercises that are basically resistance and cardio

It's an unconventional approach that runs contrary to ordinary
training philosophies, which, of course, is right up my alley!

Here's how Mike and Elliott describe it, and in my experience
with training like this, you can definitely achieve the kind of
results they're talking's tough training but VERY
effective. And to me, it's a lot of fun!

...and yes, in scientific technical circles, there isn't really
such thing as a "type III" muscle fiber :)


By combining resistance weight training with cardio training in
the same set, we force the thicker stronger Type-II (fast twitch)
muscle fibers to behave more like Type-I (slow twitch) fibers.

By utilizing both types of muscle fibers in the same exercise we
can actually build a "HYBRID" Type-IIC muscle fiber that has been
nicknamed a Type-III.

Now why would you want a Type-III hybrid muscle fiber?

This reconfigured super muscle has more mitochondrial density
which means more nutrients can be processed giving these Type-III
muscle fibers a greater capacity to grow bigger and resist
fatigue for longer periods.

This style of training mimics the way that our ancestors used to
live. They didn't train with weights one day and run laps the
next. The kinds of activities they did every day would have been
very much like the hybrid training we're talking about.

Our ancestors were both muscular and lean and it didn't result
from things they set out intentionally to do but rather, it was a
natural byproduct of the way they lived their lives.


So that's the basic idea with the Lean Hybrid training system.
Check it out here and don't forget to listen in tonight. If you
can't make it, no problem - I'll be posting the recording

