Subject: Don't be "normal"...develop a mind like IRON...(read this)

Modern society makes people weak.

It seems like everything about our society encourages weakness..."everybody gets a trophy" trophies, the mentality of entitlement (the world owes me because I exist) know exactly what I'm talking about.

And if you've fallen victim to it yourself, it's not your fault. It happens and you don't even realize it's happening to you. I don't hold myself above that, either.

However...the moment you REALIZE this is happening is the moment you must take responsibility for it.

Because what if you want MORE from your life?

What if you want real confidence, mental toughness and an IRON will that will see you through ANY challenge...

Here's the one CRITICAL thing about mental toughness that a lot of people don't realize...

You don't have to be born with can LEARN it, DEVELOP it and TRAIN it into yourself.

In this way, your mind is just like any muscle in your body. It responds to the specific demands placed on it and it changes.

Modern society places very few real demands on the mind (and body, to be quite honest!). You can basically be a lump on the couch and still function in today's world.

But you want MORE than that....that's why you read my newsletter and that's why you're still reading this email.

You are NOT average and you are NOT weak.

I was talking about this yesterday with a friend of mine by the name of Mike Gillette.

Mike is a of the toughest guys I know...former paratrooper, SWAT commander, high-level bodyguard...and that was all AFTER he got a BROKEN BACK in a rock climbing accident in his 20's.

The doctors told Mike he would probably be able to walk...but he would never run again...never jump out of an airplane again...never do many of the things most of us take for granted.

He didn't accept that.

He fought through it and has since devoted his life to becoming the BEST he can be...and a BIG part of that are the mental skills (toughness, tenacity, confidence) he's developed over the years.

Mike has just re-released his mental toughness course called "Strength Psychology"...and I have to say, it is absolutely MIND-BLOWING (pun intended).

It contains all the secret "mind hack" tips, tricks and techniques he's picked up and developed over the years to take himself to the next level. learn how to break bricks with his fist in a matter of HOURS, when it normally takes MONTHS or YEARS for people to do it. forge himself into one of the most respected law enforcement trainers in the country (and probably the world). perform feats of strength that have gotten him into the Guinness Book of World Records (seriously...for breaking arrows on his NECK).

Mike is the guy you want to learn mental toughness from...the guy who can TEACH you how to be the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Don't be "normal"...

...normal means accepting the limitations that you or others have placed on you.

Be exceptional.

You have it in you.

Learn how to let it out with "Strength Psychology"

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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