Subject: Does HIIT work if you're 40+?

This is actually a really good question...

My answer is this...

Yes and no.

In the "yes" department, burning calories with high intensity interval training (HIIT) can be very effective, no matter what your age.

I use HIIT in my own training regularly and I'm 46.

However, in the "no" department, HIIT doesn't always work well for everybody because it can actually be TOO intense.

This intensity can compromise recovery and set off a whole cascade of stress hormones which actually work against fat loss, sabotaging your results while you think you're doing something good!

Honestly, there are times when I had planned a HIIT session but because I didn't get good sleep or didn't otherwise feel up to it, I did something else at a lower intensity instead. I knew the tough stuff wasn't going to work for me that day.


Here's another perspective from a trainer who has a TON of experience helping clients over 40 lose fat fast...

It's an article from my friend and colleague, Mike Whitfield: Does HIIT Really Work?

You'll discover...

  • Does HIIT REALLY burn more fat than traditional exercise?
  • Is HIIT actually dangerous after age 40?
  • An exercise approach that actually works BETTER when you eat MORE carbs in your diet

I'm a big fan of intense training (as I'm sure you've noticed!). However, it's definitely not the best way to go for everybody.

Sometimes it can even be counterproductive.

If you've tried HIIT and it didn't work well for you, this could be a better way.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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