Subject: Do you watch MMA "cage fights"? (guys only)...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, first off, I realize this email isn't about fitness or
training, so bear with's about something EXTREMELY
important, though, so definitely keep reading....

Mixed martial arts "cage matches" (like UFC and Pride) are the
fastest growing sports phenomenon in the world...2 men locked in
an octagon cage - "no holds barred" - kicks, throws,
chokeouts...anything goes.

Originally created to pit one martial arts style against
another, it quickly became a "proving ground" for everyone from
wrestlers and boxers to bar-room brawlers!

So why has the sport of mixed martial arts risen so rapidly?

It's because you're a MAN...and men are EXPECTED to be able to


So...what if this happened to YOU...


Let's say that you're out with your wife or girlfriend and as
you're walking back to your car from dinner, you're approached by
a couple of vagrants who approach you for money.

Could be a harmless request...or it could be a setup!

If you're not prepared to QUICKLY take BOTH of these guys out in
just a matter of seconds, you could find yourself on the ground
bleeding while your female companion is left at their mercy!

If you're thinking...

"That would NEVER happen to me!"

Think again....

It happens EVERY DAY to guys like yourself who don't go out
looking for finds THEM when they're least expecting

Now, I'm not trying to scare you.

Fact is, most guys will NEVER do anything to prepare themselves
to protect those they love. They're the ones who criminals spot
right away as "easy targets" because they look, walk, and act
like "victims".

But then there are those who know what it REALLY takes to defeat
someone in a real "street" self defense scenario.

I'm talking about the kind of "stop-at-nothing" fighting that's
known ONLY by vicious gang members, prison inmates...and
battle-hardened soldiers!

Now...if you're not one of these guys already, then you're
SEVERELY underqualified to protect yourself or your female
companion when you're face-to-face with a BIGGER, STRONGER, more
experienced attacker!

Fortunately, all that's about to end THIS THURSDAY NIGHT when my
buddy Jeff Anderson (yep, the "Muscle Nerd"!), who is actually
ALSO a high-level close-quarters combat instructor, opens up the
vault on his most devastating self-defence tactics.

This is serious stuff...


Extreme Self Defense Tactics For Real World Violence!
With Jeff Anderson

When: This Thursday Night @ 9:00pm Eastern



Trust me...if protecting yourself and those you love is
important to you (I know it is!), then you're not going to want
to miss this free event.

You can attend from ANYWHERE in the world and you're going to
walk away with REAL "self defense tactics" known only by the most
vicious criminals and battle-hardened soldiers.

And check out what's going to be covered:

* Head-to-head analysis of mixed martial arts "cage matches"
and your ability to survive a violent attack on the street!
(This is gonna piss some people off!)

* How to quickly "open up" even the most skilled
fighter...then take him off his feet and finish him off in

* The #1 weapon used in real bar fights and gang attacks that
you'll never even see coming...and how to launch your own
counterassault that will render it completely useless!
(Hint: it's NOT a knife, a gun, or even a broken bottle.
It's WORSE!)

* LARGER ATTACKERS! You know something they don't...and it
gives you the power to use their size and strength AGAINST
THEM to make sure they hit the ground...HARD!

Here's the link one more time to register for your seat now:




I hope you'll be there!


P.S. You owe it not only to yourself, but also to those you
PROTECT (like your wife, girlfriend, kids, etc.) who rely on you
to keep them safe!

It doesn't cost a thing and the strategies that are revealed on
this webcast WILL make you a better fighter than 95% of the guys
out there who THINK they know how to handle themselves in a real

Go NOW to sign up at:

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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