Subject: Do you take supplements? Read this...

Taking good supplements can be one of best things you can do for yourself, both in terms of health AND fitness.

However, you know that there's a lot of garbage out there...

How do you tell what's good and what isn't?


If you want real, research-based information on supplements, there is one resource that stands head and shoulders above the rest...

...because that's literally ALL they do.

I get regular updates from them myself and they're the first thing I read when I see them in my inbox.

The resource is called and right now, to celebrate their tenth anniversary of operation, they're running a 50% off sale on their informational products.

And while they offer a TON of free information online...these products take things to a whole new level.


1. Examine Membership

They keep you on top of the latest research, summarizing 150+ studies every single month, with deep-dives in the most important ones.

This is the membership that I have and it allows me to keep on top of the research that's always coming out without having to go through all the studies myself.

It saves me a ton of time and energy.

And it will do the same for YOU!

Click here to learn more about the Examine Membership...


2. Supplement Guides

Stop wasting your time and money on supplements that don’t work.

Each of their 17 Supplement Guides focuses on a specific goal, such as fat loss, muscle building, testosterone production, or anxiety reduction.

Each guide tells you which supplements work and which don’t...what to take, when to take it and how much is an effective dose.

The guides are all update yearly with new information and studies..and you'll get these updates free.

Click here to learn more about their supplement guides...


Bottom line, if you're interested in LEGITIMATE science-based information on supplements, I HIGHLY recommend you check out their site.

They're all about education...they don't sell any supplements at all. It's just pure, unbiased information.

Learn more about here!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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