Subject: Do you need to train differently over 40?

Honestly, until I actually WAS 40, I never really thought about it too much.

I've been training since I was 16 years old and I'm 44 now... and the answer is yes, you DO need to train differently once you pass 40.

Speaking from my own experience over 28 years of training, here's what I've learned....

1. You have to train smarter.

Your rate of recovery is not what it used to be when you were younger, so you have to keep an eye on your training volume, loads and rest days.

2. You can still train heavy, but you can't (and shouldn't) train heavy all the time.

I love lifting heavy stuff and I'm going to keep doing it. I just make sure that I do it strategically and not haphazardly. As you've seen, lots of crazy stuff still happens in my basement gym...I just make sure and keep an eye on my recovery more.

3. You have to pay more attention to proper progression.

In other words, when you start a new program or try a new exercise, don't just jump in at the heaviest or hardest level. Work up to it gradually and give your body time to adjust and adapt. This is something I'm still working on :).

4. You can't get away with eating subpar like you used to.

The old saying goes "you can't out-train a bad diet." In my experience, you can out-train a DECENT diet, though. The margins, however, do get thinner as you get older. What you could get away with in your 20's is not going to work in your 40's or 50's, onwards.

5. Sleep is your friend and you probably don't get enough of it.

This is something I'm constantly trying to do better with...and I don't even have kids. If YOU have kids, and a job AND you're trying to fit in hard training at the same time, sleep often gets pushed back in the list of priorities.


Those are the "big 5" things that I've noticed in terms of training past 40 years old.

Now, yesterday I had talked about a new program called The Fit Father Project, by Dr. Anthony Balduzzi.

Dr. Anthony designed this program SPECIFICALLY for men over 40, taking into account many of the factors I mentioned above.

When you're over 40, you've got a lot more responsibilities than when you're in your 20' need to make the best use of the time you have available to get the maximum results possible.

His plan is simple, doable, keeps you motivated, and actually works WITH your body and metabolism as a man over 40.
Here’s what you WON’T need to actually lose weight and get healthy for your family:
·       No gym.
·       No complicated meal plans.
·       No 500-page confusing books.
·       No "insane" DVD home workouts.
·       No expensive groceries.
Here's what you WILL need:
·       A pair of dumbbells.
·       5 feet of floor space.
·       1 hour to read the action plan manual.
·       Willingness to follow some simple healthy eating guidelines.
If this sounds good, definitely check out the amazing success stories on this page.
This program has helped more than 10,000 fathers lose more than 75,000 lbs of fat.

If you're a guy over 40 and you want to lose weight and get back in shape, and you're not sure where to start...start here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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