Subject: Do you do physique competitions or want to LOOK like you do? Read this...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, got something very cool for you here and this is GREAT
timing, because I know it's summer and you definitely want to
look your best.

This is something that actually fills a gap in my OWN knowledge,
to be quite honest. I know a LOT about fat loss and
muscle-building but I don't really know much about contest prep
and "dialing-in" for one.

This is great stuff for physique competitors and for people who
want to LOOK like they are physique competitors (or, really, even
who just want to look their absolute best on a very specific

This resource is called "Stage Ready Nutrition and Training" and
it's from a guy (Brian Cannone) who's not only BEEN there on
stage, he's coached a number of physique competitors at extremely
high levels, judged national level contests AND is the very
successful promotor of the Fitness Atlantic contest.

He's literally put together a "Get-In-Top-Shape-For-The-Contest"
BLUEPRINT that you can use to dial in your condition for a very
specific date or event.

This is NOT a general fat-loss or muscle-building program. Not
even close.

This is a HUGE bag of tricks, techniques and step-by-step plans
to help you look perfect - really cool stuff.

Even cooler, he's got it on



P.S. I'm going to see if I can talk Brian into letting me divulge
of a few of his tricks here in the next day or so, so keep an eye

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