Subject: Do weekends mess up your diet? ...Read this...

Tell me if this sounds familiar to you...

You start off doing great with your're following the plan and you're getting good results. You're seeing good fat loss.

After a few weeks, you start to see your results slowing down a bit...and you're starting to get pretty hungry...

Pretty soon, the results are slowing down even more...and you're getting a little discouraged.

Then somebody brings a birthday cake to work Or maybe your spouse orders pizza for the family because they don't want to be on a strict diet with you. Or you meet up with some friends at a BBQ and they pile their plates up with burgers and chips...while you gaze longingly from the salad table.

You try your best to resist...

But then you can't...

And you blow it.

And you feel HORRIBLE for blowing your diet...then the guilt of blowing it makes you feel even worse.

So you think...well, I blew it now so I might as well blow it BIG TIME and start again on Monday.

Maybe you do it once and it's not so bad...but then you start doing it almost EVERY weekend!


Now...what if your diet not only PLANNED for these scenarios but actually REQUIRED you to eat whatever you wanted in those situations?

I'm not kidding...

There IS such a diet.

And it's my "Starting Monday Diet" that I've talked about the past few days.


I'm not going to tell you that you can eat whatever you want all the time.

You and I both know that's BS.

However, when you set up your "diet week" strategically, like I'll show you how to do in the CAN eat whatever you want at certain times...

  • family dinners
  • social occasions
  • date nights
  • you name it


Because you don't fail a diet...a diet fails YOU.

If it doesn't set you up for success by working around YOUR life and YOUR schedule, it's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. It's always going to be a fight and a struggle.

The Starting Monday Diet takes the struggle OUT of your dieting.

And if you're looking for a way to make continuous progress with your fat loss while maintaining your sanity, this is absolutely the diet plan you're looking for.


FYI, I will be pulling it down tomorrow at midnight, PST.

And I'm not sure when I'll be making it available again.

So read through the information on this page...and if it sounds good to you, pick up a copy now.

And if you have any questions about it, hit reply and send me an email. I'll come back with answers to all the questions I receive in an email tomorrow morning.

It took me 30 years of experimenting with my own nutrition to get this right...and I have to say that this plans NAILS it.

It's the easiest, most effective diet plan I've ever used for losing fat while keeping all your muscle and strength.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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