Subject: Do a "sort-of" one-arm chin-up with this unique dumbbell setup...

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The chin-up is one of the primary exercises for developing your back...

The one-arm chin-up is a MUCH tougher version of it...this exercise bridges the gap between the two.

I call it a Dumbbell-On-Bar Chin-Up

If you're an advanced bodyweight trainer, able to do at least 10 or more regular chin-ups, this variation is a fantastic way to add even more loading onto one side of your body at a time, without adding any extra weight to your body.

When set up in a specific way, it can help you build strength towards achieving a one-arm chin-up, if that's a goal.

It's also going to work your grip very strongly...because instead of gripping onto a bar, you're gripping around the "bells" of a dumbbell.

Check out the full rundown's a killer exercise!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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