Subject: Dirty Dozen Squat Workout...17 minute nightmare fuel...

If you're reading this and I didn't scare you away...that's good...

This one is going to challenge you... it's a simple workout structure done using a basic exercise...and it's BRUTAL.

It's a killer time-efficient fat-loss workout that's going to hammer your legs HARD.

As I mentioned, you don't need much weight. I did this one with 135 lbs on the bar and by the time I was done, my legs were absolutely trashed.

The structure of the workout pushes you right to the edge then KEEPS you there.

The Dirty Dozen Workout - Squats Bottom

You can also use the same workout structure for other big exercises like bench press and deadlifts and it'll work like a charm.

Check out the Dirty Dozen Squat Workout here.


And if you like this workout, you'll LOVE these ones...

I apologize in advance if you try these...sorry, not sorry... ;)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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