Subject: Did you eat 77 pounds of THIS last year?

When I first read this, it sent a shiver down my spine.

According to the Pew Reserach Center, the average American ate 77 pounds of sugar last year...


Now sugar is not the devil and it's not the end of the world if you eat some...but there's a lot more to it than just 4 calories per gram.

Beyond just the caloric content of sugar, it has been linked to a variety of health problems. You might be facing some of these right now yourself...and they can be SERIOUS.

  • Obesity

    Resulting not only from the calories of the sugar itself but from the "empty" feeling you get after eating it, causing you to eat more total calories in a day than you otherwise would.

  • Type 2 Diabetes

    When your pancreas gets worn out from dealing with constant blood sugar spikes

  • Dental Problems

    Like cavities, due to acidic conditions in the mouth and poor circulation to gums and teeth due to "sticky" blood flow from higher levels of blood sugar.

  • Chronic inflammation

    This can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and even cancer.

  • Nutrient depletion.

    When you eat processed sugar, because of it's lack of nutrients, your body must pull nutrients (such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium) from itself to make use of the sugar. This is not good.

  • Fatigue.

    Processed sugar kills off the "good" gut bacteria that produce B-vitamins in your body. When these die off, you have a harder time producing energy from food and you get easily fatigued.

Bottom line, refined sugar (and high fructose corn syrup especially) is not food. It's a chemical.

And it is NOT good for you.

Now, like almost anything in moderation sugar is not the worst. I eat sugary foods from time to time, too.

However, eating 77 pounds of sugar a year is not moderation. And that's just the AVERAGE.

If you eat a lot of processed foods and sweets (and especially if you have a sweet tooth), your number could be even higher and you could be at MUCH greater risk for the health problems I mentioned above.

Now, even with all those problems I talked about above, I think the biggest problem with sugar is it's potential for addictiveness and it's "reward cycle" for eating it...the more you eat, the more you want.

That makes ALL those potential problems more likely.

If you have an issue with sugar, there IS a way to KILL your body's craving for it and stop those health problems in their tracks.

It's called the 3-Day Craving Killer Protocol.

It targets the "bad" sugar-specialized bacteria in your gut that cause these hard-to-resist cravings. Because when they get hungry, you get hungry. And when THEY crave sugar, YOU crave sugar.

With my 3-Day Craving Killer Protocol, you will KILL those bacteria and put back the "good' bacteria that actually HELP you live a healthier, happier life...

...and you will NEVER have to feel like sugar is ruling your life ever again.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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