Subject: Develop INSANE core strength with this "anti"-twisting ab exercise...

So just one quick thing before I show you the exercise...TODAY
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The Two Dumbbell Ball Twist

Most twisting ab exercises are TERRIBLE for your lower back...
seriously. Any oblique work you get out of them is offset by the
potential damage you can do to your spine with a loaded
twisting movement.

The deep muscles of the core (the obliques and transverse
abdominis) are best worked in an "anti-rotation" capacity...
which means working AGAINST that twisting movement that
is so damaging to the lower back.

That's where this exercise comes into play...I call it a 2 Dumbbell
Ball Twist, but in reality it's a ball ANTI-twist.

Because what you're going to do is shift a pair of dumbbells to
either side of your body, doing your best NOT to twist during
the movement.

It's tough and EXTREMELY effective.

For this exercise, you will need two dumbbells and a Swiss Ball.
Start light...I'm just using a pair of 35 lb dumbbells in the demo.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet fairly wide
apart - you'll need a good base of support for this exercise
so that you don't roll off to the side of the ball.

Hold two equal-weight dumbells at arms-length directly above
you. Keep them pushed TIGHTLY together while doing this
exercise (if they're separated, they'll move around more,
making the exercise less efficient).

Now, keeping your head facing directly up/forwards and
your hips horizontal, lower both of the dumbells slowly and
under complete control down to the left. Hold your breath
and tighten up your midsection as you come down to the
fully-rotated position.

Prepare to push hard against the ground with your left foot
to maintain your balance.

Your left arm is going to bend to about 90 degrees at the elbow
as you lower the dumbells to the side while your right arm
should stay relatively straight.

Torque is what makes the exercise so're using
the obliques to FIGHT the potential rotation that dumbbells are
trying to force into your core. Bending your lower arm is
critical to keeping the right position.

Since you're using two separate dumbbells, it's going to
create a very different stress on the entire abdominal area
than anything you've experienced before.

When you're at the bottom, your upper left arm will be contacting
the surface of the ball (don't let it rest...keep tension on!). Now
reverse the direction by simultaneously pulling with your right arm
and pushing with your left arm. The right arm movement is similar
to a rear delt lateral while the left arm movement is similar to a
dumbbell press.

Remember to keep the dumbbells pushed together tightly!
The opposing tension in the abs really puts a lot of torque across
the whole area. Be very sure you're not just pushing with the
bottom arm but that you're also pulling with the top arm.

I recommend holding your breath briefly as you come down into
the bottom position, to maximize core stability and strength. If
you breath at that point, it will destabilize the core. Breathing
out should happen as you bring the dumbbels back up...through
pursed lips, as though blowing up a balloon.

It's very important that you DO NOT bounce out of the bottom
position....try to feel a stretch in the right side as you use a
pause then a deliberate change of direction.

Even though this exercise is designed to be far more effective
and safer than a normal twist, if you have any lower back pain
issues, this exercise does put some degree of stress on the
lower back. If you do try it, go very light and take it very slowly.

Bring the dumbbells back up to the top position.

Then come down to the right.


1. Changing the arc

You can bring the dumbells down at various angles to the torso
to change where the exercise hits your abs. By bringing them
down higher up beside your head, you'll hit the upper areas of
your obliques. By bringing them down towards your hip, you'll
hit the lower areas of your obliques. Just remember to always
keep your head looking straight up and set your feet wide
apart for the best base of support.

2. How to use a flat bench instead

You can also do this exercise on a flat bench instead of a ball,
if you don't have access to a ball or prefer a more solid surface
to work on. Instead of lying flat on the bench as you normally
would for a bench press, you'll be resting only your upper back
on the end of the bench.

To get into this position, sit on the very end of the bench. Now
move your butt off the bench and squat down in front of it. Lean
back and place your upper back on the bench end. Keep your
hips down and set your feet fairly wide apart.

This is the position you should maintain while doing the exercise.
The bench is a more solid surface but it is just as effective for
the exercise. One major difference is that there won't be any
surface to contact the upper arm of the bottom arm as you
lower the weight down. Keep an eye on how far down you go
to the side. All the other techniques still apply.

3. When using heavier weight...

  • You can shift your upper body somewhat to the other side
    of the ball. If you're using a heavy weight, you'll need to do
    that in order to stay on the ball. The increased resistance
    will make up for it.
  • Be extra careful the dumbbells don't separate. It'll be much
    harder to control heavier dumbells if they do.
  • As you rotate back up, exhale through pursed lips to keep
    stability in your abs as you let air out.
  • Push VERY hard with the same side leg as the weight is
    on. You'll need all the help you can get.


This is an excellent deep core exercise that will target the anti-
rotation function of the obliques and transverse abdominis. You
can use it to build serious strength and stability that will carry
over to just about every movement you do in the gym, on the
field and life in general!

If you'd like to see the video of this exercise in action, I've posted
it to my Facebook page...check it out here!

Be sure to "Like" the page while you're there, if you haven't already!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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