Subject: Death by Deadlifts...(you'll hate me for this one, but it's worth it)

I'll tell you right now, it's not going to be easy...nothing worthwhile ever is.

And the metabolic boost you get from it is just's basically multiple sets of high-rep trap bar deadlifts, done in a way to maximize rep count and performance.

The entire workout takes about 25 minutes to get through and you will be DONE.

I've showed this workout before but I had somebody mention it to me in an email the other day so I thought to myself..."Well, that sounds horrible...I'm going to do it again...only this time, I'm going to use the crotch stuffer deadlift technique that works so well."

You can see the "Crotch Stuffer Deadlift" method can literally add 30 to 70 lbs onto your deadlift INSTANTLY, from the moment you use it. And I'm not even exagerrating.

It dramatically improves the leverage of your core bracing out of the bottom of the deadlift. It looks incredibly stupid but it works every single time.

And it worked EXTREMELY well when used in conjunction with this workout...I got more reps on every set of the workout, using the same weight as I had previously.


The workout itself is very simple...

You're going to do high-rep trap bar deadlifts for 6 sets done in a "count up" style for rest periods. This count-up style means you'll be taking longer and longer rest periods (counting up) as you do more sets.

This is what's called a "front loading" methodology, meaning you structure it so that you do more work up front....then you extend the rest periods as you go in order to maintain workload on successive sets (or, in this case, actually INCREASE it).

I used 315 pounds for this workout (which is about 65% of my current 1 RM). You want to use a weight you can get at least 20 reps with on the first set.

I also recommend using a trap bar deadlift instead of straight bar deadlift because the mechanics of the trap bar are much more conducive to higher-rep training than straight bar.

In addition, I recommend using straps or hooks for this. You don't want your grip strength to be your limiting factor want your guts to keep going to be the limiting factor.

(These pics are from a previous go-round of this workout and don't show the "crotch stuffer" method I talked about above, just FYI)

You'll notice when I'm doing these in the video that I do a "top down" type of movement, pausing at the top and very quickly tapping the floor and changing direction at the bottom (touch and go style).

I find this to be the best way to do high-rep trap bar deadlifts with moderate weight. Resetting at the bottom takes too much time and when you're going for high reps, the clock is ticking...lactate will be creeping up on you the whole way through and the faster you can crank reps out (with decent form, of course), the more reps you'll get before it all catches up to you.

Here's what the rep breakdown looked like when I did it last night...(AMRAP means as many reps as possible).

Set 1 - AMRAP - 25 reps
1 minute rest
Set 2 - AMRAP - 15 reps
2 minutes rest
Set 3 - AMRAP - 15 reps
3 minutes rest
Set 4 - AMRAP - 15 reps
4 minutes rest
Set 5 - AMRAP - 16 reps
5 minutes rest
Set 6 - AMRAP - 17 reps (the last set should push you to your limit)


That's the entire workout.

As you can see, very easy to set's just one exercise...and it's absolutely brutal in execution.

You'll get the most reps on the first set, and generally the fewest reps on the second set (due to very limited recovery), then the reps will stay the same and/or steadily come up from there.

You can watch the full video of this workout here (FYI, I sped up sets 2 through 6 but the first set is shown normal speed for reference...also the reps match with the beat of the wasn't intentional but turned out pretty funny...).


Want More Metabolic Conditioning Training Like This?

If so, you DEFINITELY need my Metabolic Monsters book.

It's packed with 75 workouts, just like this one, that will get you shredded while actually IMPROVING your strength and performance.

If you're ready for a challenge, you'll love this stuff.



Got some gifts for you, just in time for early Christmas!

I sent an email about this yesterday, but wanted to drop a quick reminder. I've teamed up with 4 other fitness experts to give you some awesome free workouts and downloads this Holiday season. 

Just click here to go claim your gifts now!

  • The "300" Kettlebell Challenge
  • 3 Special Reports on Becoming a Strongman, Maximizing Visualization, and Improving Recovery
  • The Top 10 Best Home Gym Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of (that's mine)
  • "Hack the Flow State"
  • Santa Strength
They're only free for the next 72 hours, so go grab them now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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