Subject: Daily Specialization Training 2.0...(how to FORCE muscle growth)

It's time to take Specialization Training to
the NEXT level and FORCE the issue...with
progressive resistance...

The idea for this new 2.0 version of Daily Specialization
Training came to me as I was re-reading the famous story
of Milos of Crotona in ancient Greece, who lifted a calf (a
baby cow...not the calf muscle!) every day until he grew
into a bull (again, the baby cow, not Milos!).

This is an elegant example of the power of long-term,
progressive resistance.

What Is Daily Specialization?

Daily Specialization is the technique I talked about yesterday...
basically, you take one exercise and do ONE set of that
exercise TWICE a day, EVERY day.

And then you KEEP doing it...

So, for example, if you chose push-ups for your Specialization
exercise, first thing every single morning you would do one
set of as many push-ups as you could. Then, every single
evening before bed, you would do another single set of as
many push-ups as you could.

For a detailed look at this program, go here:

Daily Specialization Training - Transform Your Weakest Bodyparts Into Your STRONGEST Bodyparts!


With THIS new 2.0 version, you will use an
exercise that allows you to increase the
resistance by small amounts on a regular basis.

Lifting a growing calf every day is certainly not practical. Why
not mimic the exact same principle with weights instead?

You will still do an exercise to failure for one set twice a day,
however rather than using the same resistance every time
(as with bodyweight exercises), we will force even greater
adaptation by increasing the resistance slowly but steadily.

And yes, you will have to EARN your increase in loads with
actual performance...not just because you feel like it.

Ideally, you'll want to have a way to increase the resistance
easily, such as using a barbell or dumbells. If you don't have
barbells or dumbells at home, you still have options for
increasing resistance while using bodyweight exercises,
such as:

1. You can change body positions in ways that make the exercise harder. For example, if you're using Bench Dips and you start with your knees bent 90 degrees and your feet flat on the floor, you will move your feet further away from the bench, then set them up on a chair/bench, then place them on something that is higher than what your hands are setting on.

2. The other way to easily add resistance to a bodyweight exercise is to get yourself a sturdy backpack and gradually load it with heavy objects such as books or water bottles filled with sand. The more heavy things you put in the pack, the more resistance you'll get.

For the first 4 days, start with a resistance that allows you to
get around 10 to 15 reps for your sets. Your body will rapidly
start adapting to this new stress.

You may experience some initial soreness from working
your muscles far more frequently than they're used to. Four
days should be enough time to allow your body to
effectively start adapting.

Now we're going to start letting Milos' calf grow, realizing
the full power of progressive resistance.

Increase the resistance by the smallest amount you can and
keep the twice-daily schedule going.

  • Add 2 1/2 lb plates to your barbells/dumbells. Shift your
    body position a small amount if using a bodyweight
    exercise. Add one heavy book to your backpack, etc.

  • Use this resistance for at least 2 days to allow your
    body time to adapt to the slightly higher workload.

  • After 2 days on this resistance level, note how many
    reps you're able to do with that weight.

  • If your reps are 5 or less on this resistance, stay at that
    weight for one more day. This will be your rule of thumb
    for increasing resistance levels.

  • From this point on, your goal is to increase the resistance
    you are using very slightly every 2 days.

  • Follow the 5 rep rule of thumb where if your reps are 5
    or less, use that resistance for one more day.

  • STAY at that resistance for as long as your reps stay
    below 5 or less.

  • Don't reduce the weight, just add days on until you can
    do more than 5 reps with it, then you can increase
    because you've earned it.

Over the course of weeks and months, you are going to
force some serious long-term adaptation in your target
muscle group/exercise.

This small but continuous increase in resistance, which allows
your body a chance to adapt and focus on it, can result in
extremely large strength increases and will add plenty of
muscle mass to your target muscle group.

The best exercises to use with this type of training are the
basics - the exercises that use the most muscle for your target
bodypart. This could be barbell curls, weighted dips, bench
presses, deadlifts, rows, shoulder presses, etc. Good
bodyweight exercises include pull-ups, dips, bench dips,
push-ups, etc.

I'm a big fan of having some basic training equipment at
home, even if it's just a set of adjustable dumbells, and I highly
recommend investing in those if you'd like to try this program.

Sporting goods stores or garage sales are your best bets for
free weights (don't order online as you will be hit with HUGE
shipping charges). Weights at home are not absolutely
necessary but they definitely help!

If and when you do try this program, be sure to keep track of
your working weights, reps and bodypart measurements so
you can gauge exactly how effective the program is for you
and how your body adapted over the course of weeks and months.

And definitely be sure to let me know how you make out with
this program! There's nothing I enjoy more than hearing how
well one of my programs has worked for you!


More Specialization Training From
the LEGENDS of Bodybuilding...

Now, if you're interested in even MORE specialization training,
I've got a very cool new book you'll want to check out.

This is from my good friend (for real...I've known him for
more than 12 years now), the "Yukon Hercules" Dennis Weis
and it's called Supreme Specialization.

Dennis has been a bodybuilding writer since literally before
I was born (more than 40 years now).

And NOBODY is better in tune with the training methods of
the legends from the Golden Age of Bodybuilding (Dennis
was personally mentored by Chuck Sipes, to give you an
idea...and if you don't know who that is, do yourself a favor
and Google him...Chuck was a beast and his feats of
strength and power were INSANE).

The new book Dennis has put together is an amazing collection
of programs from some of the best bodybuilders who ever
lived...guys who developed amazing mass and strength
BEFORE the advent of massive doses of "chemical assistance."

In my opinion, these are the guys who are the real deal
and who I look up to...
they built mass the old-fashioned
way through hard work, good eating and KNOWLEDGE.

And this "Supreme Specialization" book is a GOLD MINE
of their most effective training information for hammering
weak bodyparts into submission.

When you pick it up (and you should), send your receipt to and I'll send you a copy of my own
book "Specialization Training" for free.

DESTROY your weak points with Supreme Specialization now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.
