Subject: Crush your core with Dumbbell Weighted Planks...

This is a cool one...very simple to set up and very effective.

As you probably know, Planks are an excellent "starter" exercise for abdominal training. They're very effective for developing bracing strength in the core and tightening up the abs in general.

However, what do you do once the normal plank gets too easy?

This variation is an excellent option...adding weight via a dumbbell set between your calves.

To do this one, you'll need a dumbbell and a flat bench. I'm using a 125 lb dumbbell for this. Due to the positioning, the leverage is good on this so you can use a fairly heavy weight.

Set the dumbbell on end about 2-3 feet back from the bench. You'll need to experiment with distance based on your own height.

Kneel down then clamp the dumbbell handle between your calves, with your hands set on the bench.

Next, straighten your legs to get the dumbbell off the ground then move to your forearms on the bench.

Once your forearms are on the bench, just hold. Be sure your upper arms are vertical while holding. If you bring your elbows too much towards the hips, the exercise will be easier (you can actually do that to extend the set, if you like, once you fatigue in the vertical position).

You'll want to have a slight bend in the hips in order to keep tension off the lower back and on the abs. If your body is straight vertical, the abs won't have as much ability to fire and stabilize. The slight bend at the hips keeps the tension where you want it (just like when doing roll-outs, you don't want to go fully straight and flat at the bottom).

When you can't hold it up anymore and your bracing starts to break, just bend your knees and set the dumbbell back down on the floor.

If you're up for even more of a challenge, instead of just supporting the weight, you can also do this one "hardstyle," which means you actively try to pull backwards on the bench with your forearms and forwards with your toes simultaneously. You won't move anywhere but it ramps up the tension tremendously.

This is a very simple, very effective way to load the plank with minimal setup.

Because honestly, once you master the bodyweight plank...just doing it for longer and longer gives you diminishing returns in terms of developing strength in the core. This variation solves that problem nicely.

Watch the video of this exercise in action here (Facebook page).

Posted on YouTube here, if you prefer that.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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