Subject: Crazy upper body pump with this "Little 3" Lactic Acid workout...

You're going to feel like your biceps, triceps and shoulders are pumped up like a superhero through pretty much this entire feels awesome.

This "little" exercise combination is the perfect complement to do the following day after you perform the "big" exercise combination of deadlifts, bench press and squats that I showed you yesterday.

And even though you're using smaller exercises, it's still going to be very challenging in it's own way! I actually find these smaller muscles burn more, like the acidity is more concentrated than in the bigger muscles.

And it's essentially what it sounds for the purpose of producing as much Lactic Acid (i.e. lactate) in your body as possible.

And WHY you want to do it is simple...when the body produces a lot of Lactic Acid, this signals the body to secrete Growth Hormone in response. And Growth Hormone is one of the most potent fat-burning/muscle-building hormones you've got.

That's why you want to do everything you can to increase GH production.

As I mentioned yesterday, this style of training is best done on an empty stomach. You want to be in a fasted state when you use this and especially have not had any carbs for quite a few hours. In fact, this style of training works best when on a low-carb diet.

When you eat carbs, your blood sugar goes up and your insulin levels rise to deal with it. GH and insulin don't get along...when insulin is present, GH secretion is blunted and you won't get the same benefits out of this training.


How To Do The "Little" Exercise Lactic Acid Circuit:

You're going to do three exercises in a row, targeting shoulders, biceps and triceps. And you'll take NO rest in between sets of each exercise until you've completed all three exercises.

We'll start with a variation of the shoulder press.

It's important to start with shoulders first. Because the triceps are involved with shoulder pressing, if you start with triceps, you'll fatigue them and compromise the reps you get for shoulders. Biceps have to be set in between the two for this reason as well, which means finishing with the triceps is only logical.

Select a weight you can get at least 20+ reps with on each exercise. You'll be aiming for this mark on the first round through (out of 6 rounds total).

Perform your reps of the shoulder press...push until Lactic Acid burn shuts you down.

Then immediately switch to a curl variation. I'm using the same barbell and going straight to standing barbell curls.

When you've hit as many reps as you can of that, switch to the tricep exercise variation.

For this, I'm using an In-Set Superset of dumbbell lying tricep extensions and neutral-grip close grip dumbbell presses. This combo is very simple and very effective...just alternate reps of the two exercises. They share a common start position so the switching between the two is very easy to do and very natural. It will blow up your triceps like crazy.

(you could potentially use the same bar as you did for the other two exercises, making this a very "low equipment" circuit, perfect for a crowded gym workout).

Do one rep of the extension.

Then one rep of the press.

Then repeat, alternating reps back and forth of the two exercises until you can't do any more reps of the extension.

Because the press is the stronger of the two exercises, if you get to the point where you can't do any more extensions, try and rep out on just the presses to really build up the Lactic Acid levels in your triceps.

That's the first round.

Now rest 1 minute and do it again.

On the second round, your reps will drop by about half, which is totally fine. We're looking for the overall accumulation of Lactic Acid in the body and aren't really concerned about reps at this point. You'll have incomplete recovery basically throughout this entire workout, even as the rest periods get longer.

When you've finished the second round, take 2 minutes rest.

Then after the third round, take 3 minutes rest...then 4 minutes, then 5 minutes, then you do your final round (you'll be doing SIX total rounds of this circuit).

And yes, when you start getting into 4 and 5 minutes rest, it will feel like an eternity. What this does is allow for a bit more recovery, which in turn allows you to get more reps and generate more Lactic Acid.

It's important to take this rest, so don't skimp on it, even if it feels way too long (and it likely will). When you go back to the shoulder press, you'll feel just how incomplete your recovery is, even though you feel fine.

This combination of exercises is going to FLOOD your shoulders and upper arms with blood and with Lactic Acid. Even if you're on a low-carb diet (which is very difficult to get a pump with), you WILL get a massive pump out of it.

This circulation is excellent for oxygenating the tissues and developing micro-circulation in the muscles (capillaries...the tiny blood vessels where nutrient and oxygen exchange take place).

You can watch the full video of this technique in action here...

Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training

These two "big and little" circuits are part of my Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training book that I put together specifically as a bonus to go with Vince Del Monte's new "No Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0: Gene Expression Training" program, in which Lactate (i.e. lactic acid) accumulation figures heavily.

Lactate is a "master" chemical in your body...when you produce it via training, there is a substantial "downstream" effect on the anbolic hormones in your body (like Growth Hormone and Testosterone).

Producing a large volume of Lactic Acid can give you a MASSIVE anabolic kick in the pants, so to speak. It might be just what you need to get growing again.

That's what Vince's program focuses on...specific training for your predominant muscle fiber type to maximize that hormonal response to lacate accumulation.

It's fantastic info, scientifcally referenced to the hilt, and the program design itself is right on the money.

My book is a collection of all the information I've put out on Lactic Acid Training over the past few years, including the "Little Three" one I just posted above.

I came up with my first version of Lactic Acid Training in the late 90's...and I've posted the BEST versions of it I've worked with in this book.

Try the workout I posted here and the "big three" one I posted previously (deadlift, bench press and squat combo). You will FEEL the power of this type of training in action when you do.

I may sell this book separately in the future but right now, the ONLY way to get it is by picking up a copy of Vince's "NNMB 2.0 Gene Expression" program for just 10 bucks...then it goes back in the vault.

(after you order, or if you've already ordered, just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up)

Order now get Vince's full program AND my book together for just 10 bucks...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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