Subject: Crazy good glute-ham exercise using a barbell and a hyper bench...

If you have a hard time hitting the glute-ham tie-in area of your backside, you're going to love this exercise.

It targets that area perfectly by using a landmine barbell setup. This gives you variable resistance that almost perfectly matches the strength curve of the extension exercise.

And while it's done on a 45 degree back extension bench, the lower back / spinal erector muscles won't get nearly as much work as the hamstrings and glutes (some but they're not the focus).

My hams and glutes were sore for days, the first time I tried this one. It works great paired with exercises that target the hip flexion function of the hamstrings and that put more stretch on the glutes (like Bulgarian Split Squats).

This is not a beginner exercise, though you can use a smaller EZ curl bar instead of a full-sized Olympic bar if you need to use lighter weight.

Check out Landmine Glute-Ham Extensions here...


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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