Subject: Countdown Time-Volume Training for mass and strength...

This training method is one of the BEST I've ever come up with...

...and I don't say that lightly. It's effective for gaining strength, building muscle AND burning fat...all in ONE workout.

I call it Countdown Time-Volume Training...and it is awesome.

Here's the video of it my YouTube Channel.

This is a new version of my Time-Volume Training protocol (you can read about the original version here for a full rundown, if you're not familiar with it)

Time-Volume Training is all about doing as much work as possible in a certain set timeframe....then INCREASING that workload in the next workout. All increases in weight are EARNED with actual performance in the guesswork.

As I mentioned, this is a new version of my TVT formula and it's definitely worth trying if you're looking for some serious high-workload, high-volume training on a single this case Barbell Squats.

This method builds strength because you're working in very low rep ranges. It builds muscle because of the high /training volume. And it burns fat because of the massive workload on a big exercise.

How To Do It:

Pick ONE exercise, preferably a big, compound exercise for best results. In this case, we're doing Barbell Squats.

I've got 245 lbs on the bar for this workout (the previous workout a week before, I used 225 lbs). This should be a weight you could get 12-15 reps with in a straight set. You're going to use that same weight for the whole workout and you're going to be doing it for 40 minutes straight.

Start your timer, then do a set of 3 reps. Rest 10 seconds. Do another set of 3 reps. Rest 10 seconds.

Repeat this pattern (continuously) until you would have to really grind out 3 reps...then just stop at 2 reps. Take 10 seconds rest. Then do sets of TWO reps, on 10 seconds rest.

When you would have to grind two reps, stop at one rep. Take 10 seconds rest. Then do sets of ONE rep, on 10 seconds rest.

When you have to grind out the one rep, we're going to increase rest to 20 seconds and go back to 3 rep sets and repeat.

The cycle will continue with 3 reps sets, then 2 reps, then 1 rep sets.

Again, when you have to grind that one rep, increase to 30 seconds rest and go back to 3 rep sets...then 2 reps...then 1 rep again.

This method uses the concept of "front loading" to do more work up front, while you're stronger, gradually decreasing workload as you fatigue (the decrease in reps down to one).

Then you "re-ramp" it (similar to wave loading) going back up to 3 reps with more rest.

Make sure you're using good form on each set. This is very high volume training, which means your nervous system is getting very strongly imprinted with the movement pattern, so you want to make sure that imprint is good. The weight is moderate, so that should be very doable.

And I'll be straight up with the time I was finishing up the last set of singles on 30 seconds rest, it felt like I could feel the individual muscle fibers in my quads firing.

This method WORKS.

If you want to try this technique (and you should), I HIGHLY recommend you check out the video for it here first.

It really helps to see it in action (don't worry, I sped up the video by 1200% after the first couple of mini-sets, so you don't have to watch 40 minutes of squatting).


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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