Subject: Cool, new plank tightens up the lower abs FAST...

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This one looks a bit strange...which is a shocker, I know... ;)

It's a version of the abdominal plank improves upon the original in two ways... puts more focus the lower abs to help tighten any belly bulge there and it uses counterbalanced weight to take pressure off the lower back and keep it on the abs.

I call this one Counterbalance Lower Ab Rack Planks..

And don't let the weights fool you...just about anybody can do this one! not total beginners, I'd say, would the only restriction).

You may have seen me do a version of this without the dumbbells...I actually find this exercise a lot more effective with them because of how the counterbalancing helps "solidify" the upper body to take torque off the lower back.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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