Subject: Combine ___ with ___ for maximum fat loss...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Time to fill in the blanks - you need to combine [targeted
exercise] with [the specific nutrients you're eating] for maximum
fat loss.

I have to say, this is something I've been preaching literally
for YEARS and it's what I've based my own fat loss program
(Metabolic Surge) on...HOW you train should depend entirely on
WHAT you're eating.

And honestly, in my experience, there is no single concept more
powerful for achieving maximum fat loss than this...'s the keys to the fat-loss Ferrari when you've been
driving a Gremlin.

Ok, that's probably the stupidest analogy I've ever written but
I think you get the idea :)

And THAT is what Joel is putting forward in his Xtreme Fat Loss
program...just like in my Surge program, he targets every
training day exactly to the nutritional state the program puts
your body in to maximize the hormonal impact of the training.

It's powerful stuff and obviously a concept I totally believe
in. Joel's passed along an article that talks about this concept
in detail - definitely worth reading!




Synergistic Diet & Exercise for RIDICULOUSLY Fast Fat Loss
By Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT

Most people treat their diet and exercise programs as two
separate entities -- Totally WRONG if you're looking to lose fat
at the fastest possible rate.

You see, if you can learn how to use the most effective exercise
strategies to "mirror" the goals of your diet each day (while
mixing up dietary approaches to yield specific hormonal and
metabolic benefits in the most effective manner possible) you can
literally take your results from "okay" to OUT OF THIS WORLD.

That's what I call SYNERGY. Diet and exercise working *together*
in a very smart, strategic way to yield the fastest fat loss
results possible.

Now, my above explanation may have sounded a bit complicated, so
I’ll give you a quick example. Let’s take, for instance, the
day after a Cheat Day—you know, those days where you get to eat
WHATEVER you want on the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet (which just so
happen to occur every 5th day).

==> <------- $30 OFF pre-sale

[By the way, if you’re not incorporating Cheat Days into your
current diet, you’re *way* behind the fast fat loss curve, and
NEED to get on board. Long story short, they save your metabolism
and actually allow you to lose fat faster week after week by
increasing levels of important fat burning hormones within the
body. Not to mention, they’re a heck of a lot of fun].

So, the day after a Cheat Day, the overall goals are as

1. Create a large caloric deficit (to burn as many calories as
possible and take advantage of the fact that our bodies are now
"primed" to burn fat as a result of the Cheat Day)

2. Deplete maxed-out glycogen stores (carbohydrate energy stores
within the body) caused by the high carb and fat content of the
Cheat Day

3. Exhaust ALL energy systems to satisfy #1 and #2 while burning
additional fat calories to boot

To accomplish these three goals, we’ll use a series of dietary
and supplemental strategies to do exactly that while using
*exercise* strategies that accomplish the SAME goals, for

1. Strategic lactic acid based workouts to burn massive calories
and glycogen while stimulating the release of important fat
burning hormones that further increase lipolysis (fat burning)

2. Strategic energy systems work that contain both anaerobic
"carbohydrate-burning" and aerobic "fat-burning" components.

Combining those types of exercise with dietary strategies that
accomplish the same goals leads to a ridiculous fat burning

Essentially, when you set up things this way, you’re tackling
your goals via both diet AND exercise. That’s like going after
your financial goals via landing a job with a kick-butt income
coupled with smart investing. One feeds the other for synergistic

And you know what? The above is just ONE example. Within the
Xtreme Fat Loss Diet we have FIVE different "types" of diet days
(all with slightly different goals) and a very specific exercise
strategy to use on each that has led to some of the fastest fat
loss results we’ve ever recorded to date with our clients.

Make no mistake, working WITH your diet, hand in hand, through
exercise that *mirrors* the goals of each diet strategy can
literally DOUBLE your results beyond just “working hard” on
each day.

The synergy of strategy never ceases to amaze me, and we reveal
it all in the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. In fact, it's the ONLY reason
people have consistently lost up to 25 pounds in just 25 days
using the full-on 25 day system.

Bottom line, if you want to lose fat FAST, you've got to be
SMART in your approach. Enjoy!


P.S. Don't forget, when you pick up Joel's program through my
link (make sure you click the link in this email), you'll get
copies of...

The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of (53 exercises)
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of (77
The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of (68 exercises)
The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of (53 exercises)

TOTAL - 251 exercises that normally sell for $130...


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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